
18 0 0

    I woke up and blinked a few times before I totally opened my eyes seeing my beautiful best friend that happens to be turning 18 today. She is so beautiful even with crazy hair and red cheeks, because she refuses to take her head off my chest even thought were in August (so were burning hot), and with some strings of hair in her cheeks that I tried (but couldn't resist) to take them out of her perfect face and when the last string of hair in it's place I took the chance to stroke her cheek.

"Mmmmm..." she hummed, with her eyes still shut. "Good morning babe" "Morning Hazza!" and she finally her eyes showing me her absolutely breathtaking brown eyes "Happy birthday" and she kind of answered me with a huge smile.

We just stayed a few moments lying there staring into each other's eyes but eventually we decided to go to the kitchen. When we got there we were greeted by a blonde women that I have known since I can remember.

"Good morning Diana." "Good morning kids. Did you sleep well?"

"yes mom, we did. Where's dad?" "First of all happy birthday. And your dad went grocery shopping" Diana said and my beasty started eating a toast that was in the kitchen table.

The door was opened by John that was caring a bag full of groceries. "And speaking of the devil!" Diana exclaimed.

"Happy birthday" he said right when he caught his daughter's eyes. "Thank you dad. But let's just eat, please. I'm starving" "yes, that! We need to hurry up." "I suddenly remembered my plans. "We do?" "Yes, we do. Hurry up!"

"I can't believe our baby is already turning 18" I managed to hear John whispering to Diana.


"This feels good" she said lying on top of me in our bed (that was actually an old mattress we managed to fin in there). "I miss those moments!" we were looking to our pictures that filled on wall of the treehouse.

And we just sat there looking at our pictures kind of living those moments all over again.

"What was your favourite moment so far?" "Harry, that question is so hard!" "Just answer." "When we met." "Mine too." "But just because we were really cute back there!" she said messing around with me. "Is that so?" "Yes. Well... I was cuter!" she managed to say before I started to tickle her, which I have to say has really easy (this girl is so ticklish).

"Stop!" she said almost out of breath. "I'll only stop if you admit I'm the most perfect person in the world." "Never!"

A few minutes later she said it and I stopped tickling her and we laid there until our breath was normal again.

"That was when it all started, wasn't it?" "What?" Ok, she was confused. "When we met." "Yeah. It was."

And then we didn't share another word again until it was time to go, but that silence was so comfortable that we just lay there, her head in my chest. I didn't care if we stayed there our all lives there because it felt so good and...

...and right.

But unfortunately we had to go to her house because her parents were having a party to celebrate her birthday with her family and some friends.

When we got to the door she just stopped. "Can't we just go to your house, eat junk food and ice cream and watch Rom-Coms?" "You know I would love to do that but it's your birthday and all those people are wanting to be with you today, I can wait." "I know." I kissed her temple and I took her and in mine and we entered in her house.

"Happy birthday!" they all screamed in union. "Thank you." she said in a low voice.

Almost instantly I saw her grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hood, coming in our direction. Then she hugged her granddaughter. "Grandma, your squishing me!" "Sorry" and she let go of her. "Harry, you're so ground up. You look so handsome!" "Thank you Mrs. Hood." "I would love to prolong this conversation with you both but I got to go help my dear daughter-in-law!" "I think my grandmother is into you!" "If she is it's because she has good taste." "Don't fancy yourself Styles." "You know is true Hood"

"And now go! This people are all here for you, go say hi to them." She kissed my cheek and went to her relatives like I advised her to.

"You're so whipped." "Matt you scared me!" I said taking my eyes from her to the person that scared me.

"Don't change the subject" "What subject?" "That you're whipped." "No I'm not!" "Something changed about what you feel about her. This year you're like... I don't know you're different. You love her." "Yeah, I do lik-" he immediately interrupted me. "Don't you dare saying that you only love her like a sister because we both know that's a lie." "But..." "Time to sing Happy Birthday!" Diana obviously to excited. "And eat cake!" one of the children screamed. And thankfully that Diana and the child talked (or screamed) because everyone ended their conversation, including me and my stubborn cousin.

She was right in front of her cake that now had lighted candles all over it. I was right next to her, my eyes glued to her watching her every move. And I suddenly realize that they were already singing.

"...happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Brooklyn happy birthday to you!"

I just wanted to thank everyone that read the prologue and this chapter. And I just wanted to make you wait until the end of the chapter to know that the girl's name is Brooklyn because I just wanted to make you curious. And I'm going to divide the book in big chapters like in the books. So like 3 or 4 updates is going to be a chapter that's why this one is 01x01, the next will be 01x02, then 01x03 and then maybe 02x01 and so on. 

Thank for reading.

Love you all<3!


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