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Hello, there. My name is Lyra Estonia and this is my story. The story of how my passion, and determination, led me to pain, so much pain, but also to great satisfaction and pleasure.
You see, it all started when I was 12... Well actually it all started when I was two. Even before I was born, my parents knew I was going to do something great, BE someone great. How they knew this, I have no idea, it maybe it was the fact that they wanted to produce something great. I don't know but whatever it was, it worked. Anyways, back to my backstory. So I was born an the fateful day of October seventh, into a semi-large family, me being the youngest of six, all boys except for me, of corse. Any who, you can say I was in survival mode most of the time. My brothers and I,we were always pretty close, there was only a twelve year age gap from my oldest brother- Tyke- and me. And so, you probably guessed this, but living in a house full of boys, life was pretty hectic. When I was two years old my parents put me in gymnastics, so that I would lose some weight. Yes, I was a bit chunky. From the first time I stepped into the they gym that smelt of sweat, chalk, and tears I knew that that was what I wanted to do, that that was what I was born to do. So then at five, I was put on team, and it was a pretty common thing for our, team to go to some completion and for me to win. Then by the time I was twelve I was doing some pretty hard skills, and I was spending twenty-four hours a week in the gym. So as you can assume my homework suffered. So mom homeschooled me. Then when I turned fifteen that's when things took a turn for the worst.

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