Louis Point of View
I stretched happily and looked at my alarm clock. I had enough time for a calm shower and breakfast, not needing to rush. I only wake up this early on game days. After I get out of the room, I go downstairs and kiss my mom on the cheek."Morning, mother," I say as I sit down and start putting bacon and eggs on my plate. I moan as the bacon touches my tongue.
"Good morning, dear. Excited for today?" She sits down beside me began putting food on her plate as well. I shrug knowing that we were going to lose like always to Horan's team. It's not that we're bad, we're the second best in the county and even state, but Horan's team always seems to beat us.
"It's okay if you don't win, as long as you're having fun," my mom said and patted my thigh.
"I know but I want to beat them at least once," I mutter and play with the eggs. She sighed and hugged me. After I finish eating, I brush my teeth and slip on my shoes. I grab my bag and car keys and kiss my mom good bye. Before I leave, I go into my younger sisters' room and kiss each and every one of them. After that I get into my car and drive to Harry's apartment which is 15 minutes away.
I smile as I see him standing there, this time wearing The 1975's shirt. He loves bands so much, it's cute. He gets into the car and I grab his cheeks and kiss him softly. He blushed when we pulled away. He's so cute.
We drive to school in a comfortable silence listening to Kodaline once again until we finally arrived. We got stopped on the way to the entrance by some of our team mates. Finally, we saw Zayn and Liam and we rushed forward to hug them. I noticed Zayn biting his nails and looking down.
"Nervous, babe?" I asked.
He nodded. "I always get nervous before games but Horan's team is especially nerve-racking," he mumbled. I pulled him in for a hug and reminded him that he's going to do great.
The bell rang and we all went to our homerooms.
We were in the locker rooms putting on our uniforms and going over our plan. After the team got into the bus, it was only Liam and I in the locker room. Before he stepped out, I dragged him back and pulled him in for a kiss.
"What was that for?" he questioned. I shrugged and happily walked past him towards the bus, Liam following close behind. We climbed unto the bus and started the 15 minute journey to Freedom High.
I don't like to show it much but deep down, I was nervous. I laid my head on Zayn's shoulder and closed my eyes. Soon enough, we arrive and we all get off the bus. We begin warming up and I look up when I hear the Referee yell for the team captains.
Paul was talking but I wasn't really focusing on what he was saying, I was too caught up on realizing how beautiful Horan looks up close.
"Niall, just take your sweater off when you start playing," Paul said. Niall looked up at me and blushed once he caught me staring. That looks so lovely on his pale cheeks. We shook hands and then parted to meet with our teams.
The game began and I stayed completely focused. The only time where I lost my focus was when I tripped Horan and elbowed him in the ribs. It was worth it though because I got the ball away and made a goal.
There was still half an hour left my boyfriends and I were calmly laughing and standing around with the rest of the team during half time.
"I accidentally elbowed him, and I have never felt so proud in my life," I joked. The team laughed other than Harry who just rolled his eyes at me. He hates when we're rude to the opposing team.
After the 10 minutes were up, we were back on the field and more nervous than ever. After some time, we were 4-3.
Oh my gosh, we might actually win this, we're so close..
Right when we thought we were close, the ball got taken away from us in a blink and Horan was sprinting towards the goal net. Unsurprisingly, he shot it in. As the whole school ran to meet the players, I walked back to my team and we hugged.
"Why do I always get my hopes up even though I know we're going to lose?" Zayn said.
"Hey, think about this way. We've never been so close to a tie before," Harry said and we all laughed. Liam pulled Harry into a hug and I jumped on top.
The field slowly cleared and Liam, Zayn, Harry, Horan and one of his teammates, and I were the only ones left on the field. We were waiting for Liam's mom to come and pick us all up so we could spend the night together like every night that we had a game day, houses switching every game.
Soon a car pulled up and Horan's team mate left. I was listening to Zayn go on about one of his favorite rappers when I heard a yell from across the bleachers.
I looked up and saw a man, twice Horan's size grabbing his wrist in a way that seemed too rough. I frowned, the rest of the boys haven't noticed the commotion yet. Horan seemed scared and was visibly shaking. I wanted to intervene but I stayed seated, still frowning.
The man began dragging him towards the car parking lot and Horan turned his head, and looked me in the eye for a second before turning around and letting the man take him. Maybe it was his brother? Or boyfriend? He's probably not even gay.
After awhile, Liam's mom came and we all piled into her car telling her about the game. We soon made it to Liam's house and we showered separately and all piled unto his king size bed. As I fell asleep, the scared look on Horan's face faded into my mind.

Alone and Broken (Zianourry)
FanfictionNiall Horan was Freedom High School's best soccer player. He was respected by his peers for his looks and teachers for having perfect grades and is the most popular guy at the all boys school. Niall is surrounded by people but still feels so alone...