Chapter One - Monday

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Niall's Point of View
I woke up to the familiar alarm from my phone and screaming coming from my parents. I pushed aside my blankets and shivered as the cold air brushed my naked chest. I got up and held on to my sore ribs due to last night's beating. I whimpered as I stood up and looked at my full size mirror. My ribs and chest were filled with dark and fading bruises. I gasped as I saw that I also had a busted lip and a bruised cheek.

"Great," I muttered as I reached into my drawer and pulled out make up. I slowly began applying it all over my cheek until the bruise was sure to be hidden. I looked at my lip and sighed. How will I fix that? I decided to just come up with an excuse later at school. I went into my closet and changed into my usual black skinny jeans, white t shirt and black hoodie. Nobody really questioned why I wore so much black.

"Hurry up and get down here, you worthless bitch, or you'll be late to school!"

I flinched as I heard my mom yelling at me from downstairs. I quickly slipped on my black Vans and ran down the stairs into the kitchen. I noticed my parents weren't down here and the house seemed quiet. I looked outside and knew my parents left to work already meaning I'd have to walk to school once again. I grabbed my black backpack and locked the door behind me.

I pulled out my earphones and plugged them into my iPhone and began listening to music. In the End by Black Veil Brides started playing and I started to hum along until I reached school. I turned off my music and put my phone and earphones away.


I looked up and saw the boys from my team coming up to me. I smiled softly and said hello as they patted me in the back. I flinched away but they didn't seem to notice.

"Are you ready for tomorrows game against Tomlinson's team?"

I nodded. "Yes, I've been practicing all weekend, not that I need it," I joked. They all laughed and walked away after I reminded them of practice later. I began walking to my locker and quickly put all my stuff away and grabbed my history notebook. I made it to class just in time as the teacher entered the room. I sat in the front away from my team. I liked the front. Nobody really sat in the front, even if I sat there. Mr. Dole smiled at me as he walked by to take attendance.

"Today we're going to learn about the civil war!"

Everybody groaned at the topic as I began taking notes.


I was about to walk out of the locker rooms after practice to head home when I hand grabbed the back of my hoodie and dragged me back inside, locking the locker room door closed. I fell to the ground as a powerful slap hit my cheek.

"A-Andrew," I stuttered as I looked up at him. He kicked me and I clutched my side. "W-what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?! You were flirting with Devine out there!"

"A-Andrew, that's not true. He only helped me up after he accidentally tripped me," I whispered. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled my close to his face.

"It better be true. No one will ever love you, Niall. I'm the only person who loves you in this world. If you break up with me, you'll be alone, without anyone to hold you," he smirked.

My eyes widened and I hugged him with my shaky, thin arms. "I'm never going to break up with you, Andrew. I love you," I whispered again. He smirked and hugged my back.

"I'm just doing this for your own good, Ni."

I nodded and closed my eyes. "C'mon, I'll take you home."

I let him pick me up and carry me to his car. I opened them and looked out the window, tears coming out my eyes. I watched couples laughing and children laughing with their parents. I closed them again until Andrew shook me awake.

I sighed and got out of the car, kissing Andrew good bye. I unlocked the door and quietly sat in the living room like I do every time I get home from practice. My parents walked in from work screaming at each other like always. My mom slammed her bedroom door closed and my dad went up to me and picked me up by my hair.

"This is all your fault! Our marriage has been failing because you fucking came along," he screamed and threw me down. He began throwing punches at my frail frame and I began to cry. After ten minutes he stopped and went upstairs to the guest room. I picked myself up and began crying softly. I slowly walked to my room and took off all my clothes. I turned on the shower to the hottest water temperature and stepped in and began crying. After washing myself, I turned the water off and looked at myself in the mirror. I had no make up on now. I had two bruises on my face, a busted lip, and bruises and cuts all over my body. My ribs and collar bones were sticking out from lack of food. I went back to the room and put on my pajamas and socks. I slowly got into bed, careful to avoid laying on my ribs. As I looked at my ceiling, I wondered when everything would change. But I knew the same pattern would continue tomorrow. Just like everyday.

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