Ireland's war for Independence

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It was 1921, raining on the battle field, North and I were fighting our brother, england, for independence and we were going to get it this time because, this time were working together. I had just spoted England and I charged him bayonet in hand. I had him on the ground pointing it at his head. "England, give us our independence!" I shouted at him. "No! I'll never let you leave me." he shouted back at me. I cocked my gun "Come on England, North and I want our independence." i shouted again. "Stop it!" Northern Ireland screamed. I took my attention off of England and looked at North "What? Why?" I asked him. England took the opportunity to catch me off guard and hit my bayonet out of my hand and to the ground. "Dang it!" I shouted and turned my attention back to England "What are you doing North." "I dont want to gain independence." he said. "What do you mean you dont want to gain independence? What about all those times you tried by yourself but, I was sided with England and stoped you?" I shouted. "I dont know. I was young and now I dont want my independence." he said. He walked over to England's side "so, now it's my turn to side with England." Northern Ireland said. "Fine then, turn your back on me the one time we were on the same side!" I shouted on the verge of tears but then I turn my back twords them and calm down. "fine if this is what you want but, you wont stand in my way. Unlike you i will gain my independence and I wont back down, be a coward, or give up like you did those many times before." I yelled again. I started to walk away back still faceing them "I guess next time I see you we will be fighting on opposing sides and, England try to be ready next time. I want my independence but I dont want it to be too easy." I said and continued walking away. I heard someone running in the mud twords me but before i could turn around and see who it was I felt something slice deep across my back and I fell to the mud. It hurt so bad I could barly get on my hands and knees. I turned over and sat on my butt and elbows legs and feet sprawled out. Mud was getting into the wound makeing it hurt more. England was faceing me he pointed the muzzle of his bayonet at me. The blade had my blood on it and he looked furious. Then his face softened at the realization of what he did and he droped his bayonet. "Damn it!" he screamed to the sky and fell to his knees. "Do you see what you made me do." he continued. I tried to say something but my voice hiccuped and I realized I was crying. I got up on my knees and fought through the pain and stood up. "I didnt make you do anything." I said "I just want my independence." "Why does everyone leave me." he said and buried his head in his hands "I thoughtyou would be the one that would never leave." I turned my back again my now gashed out back faceing my two brothers to hide my sadness. It hurt alot but I just tried not to show it and just ignore it. "This is your last chance North are you with me or him?" I asked. "I already told you I dont want my independence anymore." Northern Ireland responded. "Fine." I said as I walked away trying to hide my sorrow. "I'll send you the proper paper work." I said as I continued to walk away, crying.

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