British invasion of Ireland

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(POV England)
It was 1171 we were invading the island of Ireland to establish control over both the Anglo-Normans and the Irish. The same island where my brother, Dublin, lived. Many of the Norman lords handed their conquered territory to king Henry with addition to many of the Irish kings also submitting to him. The Irish however did so in hopes that king Henry would curb Norman expantion. However King Henry dis not.

Flash forward a few years to 1175 and king Henry created the treaty of Windsor which acknowledged Henry as overlord of the conquered territory and Ruaidrí as overlord of the rest of Ireland, with Ruaidrí also swearing fealty to Henry. This treaty however did not last long, so king Henry, later in 1177, adopted a new policy and declared his son, John, to be Lord of Ireland, creating the lordship of Ireland. All this lead to a fellow nation being born, but not juat any nation, but my little sister.

"Wow all that lead to me being born" Ireland asked amazed. She is such a cute little girl, young and inocent. It had been over 100 years sence then, it was now 1320, and she still hadn't grown that much. I found her when her physical age was about 5 and now she looked to be bout 7-8. I had grown realativly quickly. Its probably because her country isn't developing as fast, which dosent matter to me, it just means I get to help and take care of her longer. "Yes Ireland all that lead to you being born" I said conferming. "How did you find me" she asked. "Really you want to hear that story again" I asked chuckling a bit. "Mmhmm" she said bouncing excitedly. "Oh alright just for you" I said and she smiled gleefully as she climbed in to my lap and snuggled getting comfy. "Ready?" I questioned chuckling. "Mmhmm, I'm all comfy now." she said. "Alright well it was the year 1177 king Henry had just declared his son, John, the lord of Ireland. I had gone for a walk through a forest near by when I heard rustling from a bush" I said. "That was me!" she exclaimed. "Yes that was you but I didn't know that at the time. So I looked around to search for where it came from."

I heard rustling again, "what was that" I asked myself. I looked tword a near by bush and saw it rustle again. "Who's there" I asked as I walked tword the bush. No answer. I looked behind the bush and I saw a little girl with green eyes, freckles, Amber hair with a piece of it sticking out from the top of her head, and the most notable thing was how big her eyebrows are, sitting there behind the bush. "What's your name?" I asked crouching down getting on the same level as her. "Ní féidir liom go dtuigeann tú(I can't understand you)" she said. 'Oh she speaks Irish' I thought to myself. "Cad is ainm duit(what's your name)" I asked again. "OH is ainm dom Kirkland Ailish(oh my name is Ailish Kirkland)" she said now understanding me. 'She has the same last name as me she must be a new nation related to me, probably for the lordship of Ireland that was just created' I thought to myself. "an bhfuil aon ainmneacha speisialta(do you have any special names)" I asked her. "gealltanas nach mbeidh tú ag insint do dhuine ar bith(promise you won't tell anyone)" she asked. "I gealltanas(I promise)" I said. "Tá mé an Tiarnas na hÉireann(I'm the lordship of Ireland)" she said " suimiúil, tá a fhios agat i bhfuil ainm speisialta freisin(interesting, you know I have a special name too)" I said. "i ndáiríre a bhfuil sé(really what is it)" she asked interested. "is ainm dom england(my name is England)" I said. "ní fheicfidh mé insint anam(I'll never tell a soul)" she said and I chuckled. "Tá mé do dheartháir mór ró-(I'm your big brother too)" I told her and her face lit up. "i ndáiríre i bhfuil deartháir mór(really I have a big brother)" she exclaimed excited. "yes a dhéanann tú i ndáiríre(yes you really do)" I said and she ran and jumped up in to my arms in a hug makeing me fall back slightly. "gheallúint dom ní bheidh ort a fhágáil(promise me you won't leave me)" she asked while hugging me. "ar ndóigh beidh mé a bheith in éineacht leat go deo agus i gcónaí (of course I'll be with you forever and always)" I said and hugged her back and held her in my arms.

"Then I took you home and started teaching you English, Scots Gaelic, and Welsh" I finished. "I always love that story" she exclaimed ans rested her head on my shoulder, she seemed really tired. "And you still haven't broken your promise" she said as she yawned and closed her eyes. "Yes and I don't ever plan on breaking it" I said. She had fallen asleep though so I'm not sure if she heard me. I picked her up carefully not to wake her and took her to her room. I set her down gently on her bed and tucked her in. I leaned over and kissed her forehead. "I promise, Ireland, that you shall never be separated from the crown of England" I said to her sleeping form and left so that she could rest.

(A/N yes finaly I got it done and it didn't get screwed up this time I hope you like it. And I apologize in advance if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes I was never very good at wrighting. Also sorry if the translations are wrong too sence I only used Google translate I can't be certain that they are acurate. It will probably be a while before this story gets another update too so sorry if you were hopeing for more frequent updates)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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