The Pâįñfüł Car Ride

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So we all headed out. Me, Ford and Mabel, for some reason. I don't know, it was either Great Uncle Ford having a change of heart or Mabel being too annoying to deter from the trip anymore. Either way, she sat in the back and I say in the front with Ford and a bug start H of land in front of us.
Deep bags hung under my eyes, I hadn't slept much since what happened last night. I sit back in my seat, my eyes closing just be to be open with a start. All I can see is Bill. The RV is driving around 60 mph down a bumpy Gravity Falls road.
I yawn and get up shakily, walking over to Mabel. Prying open my eyes, I notice she's reading journal number two. I sit across from her and place my head on the table.
"Hey bro-bro." She smiles, peering up from the book.
"Hi Mabel." I yawn and stretch, "why are you reading that thing?"
"Well, you read a journal and Gruncle Ford wrote the book, so I might as well have some knowledge on this stuff."
"What are you reading about now?"
"My ex-boyfriend." She laughs and shows the picture of a gnome. I let out a a breath of laughter, then flop my head.
"I'm so tired." I say as I nibble on my shirt.
Mabel laughs, "how's that shirt tasting?" I giggle half heartedly and relax into the seat.
"There is a time when all you know will be gone!" Bill screams. I shoot up and smack my head on the back of the chair.
"You ok?" Mabel asks.
"What? Oh yeah." I smile. "I'm great." I check my chest for the moonstone and it's gone.
"Cool-" Mabel starts.
"Oh no!" I scream, looking around frantically.
"What?" Mabel asks.
"No no no no no NO NO NO NO NO!" I scream jumping from my seat.
"What?" Mabel follows me to the front.
"Great Uncle Ford!" I scream and the car stops abruptly. I fly into the dash board and hit my head. Falling to the ground, my vision flickers and I see a boy with brown hair. His eyes look like Bill's. He's laughing as a girl, covered in blood, wobbles behind her. I open my eyes shakily and stand up.
"Dipper yes what is it!?" Ford gets up and stands over me.
"What!?" I slide backwards. "I just... Where's my moonstone necklace?"
"The..." Ford sighs as a car honks behind him. "It's okay Dipper you don't need that silly thing."
As he climbs back into the drivers seat nonchalantly, I stomp over to him.
"Yes I do need-" the car starts again and I fall into the seat, my head banging on the window. A small chuckle rings, but I digress.
"Yes I do need it?" I reiterate.
"No no no you'll be fine."
I grind my teeth. "Fine. But if I start the apocalypse, it's your own fault!" Ford grips the steering wheel tightly as I storm to the back to the RV.
"You ok?" Mabel asks as I walk by, "does somebody need a hug!?"
I look up and glare at her, holding my shoulder, "No Mabel. Hugging would actually make this worse."
"Awkward sibling hug?"
"You know you want to."
"Let's get hugging!" She stands on her seat and reaches over and touches my shoulder. As soon as her hand touches it, I scream in pain.
"MABEL WILL YOU STOP!" I push her off of me storm to the back and sit in the thin hallway. I touch my stinging shoulder, groaning. I peer up to a window as palm trees and cacti run by. A dirty sign with a possum on it shoots by. I stand up to see house after house come into view, then out. It sure seemed like a normal town, why would so many rifts be here of all places?
Suddenly, Ford slams on the breaks and my feet catch each other, landing me on the rough carpet.
"Ok, kids." Gruncle Ford cheer, "we are finally here!"
"Yay." I mumble. "Most painful car ride ever." I get up, feeling burns manifest on my elbows from the carpet.
We all grab our bags (mine making my body hurt) and walk into bright day light. The RV is parked in a school parking lot.
"Why are we here?" I ask. "It's summer."
"This is where most of the portals have been happening." Great Uncle Ford takes out a gadget that is slowly beeping.
"It's so hot!" Mabel complains and ties her shooting star sweater around her waist.
"Do you think Bill's here right now?" I ask, looking around with a sense of paranoia.
"I don't know." Great Uncle Ford confesses.
"Well, you know," I barrow my eyes. "A necklace would be quite helpful right now."
"Dipper..." He warns.
"I mean, it would certainly allow us to relax while we investigate the end of the world."
"Dipper just drop it." Mabel insists.
"No!" I snap. "I need that-"
"Dipper," Ford interrupts me, his eyes sharp with rage "do you trust me."
I role my eyes at him, "And there it is! Your excuse to keep me in the dark."
"Well-" he starts.
"Don't you get that I can handle the truth? I don't act like a kid so why do you treat me like one!"
"Dipper calm down." He gets down on one knee and looks me in the eye.
"You know what, no!" I throw my hands into the air. "If you need me, I'll be in the RV. You two have fun looking for Bill all by yourselves."
"Dipper..." Mabel makes her 'I'm so sorry' face and places her hand on my shoulder. I brush it off and fix my hat. As I walk towards the RV, I here Gruncle Ford's invention begin to beep like crazy, I turn to se its blinking blue.
"What's happening!?" Mabel screams.
"I don't know." Gruncle Ford bangs on it lightly. "It's detecting a lot of Dimensional energy, like a whole being and then some."
"And so?" Mabel screams over the beeping.
"Kids come close!" He screams. Mabel runs over to him, her shooting star sweater trailing behind her. I stay put, arms crossed.
"Cmon, boy!" Gruncle ford calls me over.
"You know what," I glare at him. "No. You call me a kid, a boy! I came closer to uncover more mysteries in Gravity Falls than more people could ever wish too. And yet everyone still thinks of me as a kid! Being a kid isn't about age, it's about maturity!"
"Dipper!" Mabel wines.
"Mabel's a kid because she is immature!" The words just fell out of my mouth, I could barely control them, "but I'm mature! Why can't anyone see that!" I slam my hand against the RV.
"LOOK OUT!" I here someone scream from above me. I look up to see a blond haired girl with devil horns and a blue dress falling from the sky. Behind her, a tan boy with brown hair and a red sweatshirt is screaming like crazy.
I was frozen with fear, and I waited for them to hit me.
"STAR!" The boy screams. "I REALLY HOPE YOU HAVE A PLAN!"

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