Meet the Ræł Bill Cipher

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"I had this whole scheme." Marco smiles as more fire roars out of him, "To bring in all of my friends. But I'm gonna save that for Gravity Falls. Here, get ready to see the REAL Bill Cipher!!"
"GRUNCLE FORD!" I scream as yellow and blue electricity flies from Marco's body. "WHAT DO WE DO!?"
"I-" He starts
"NOTHING!" And in a flash, Marco smiles. He smiles, and takes a step out of the fire. He looks like human a human version of Bill Cipher. He where's a yellow blazer with black pants. Under the blazer, is a black vest and white shirt with a black bow tie. With a black eye patch, a small top hat and black gloves, he could be mistaken for someone dressed up for Halloween [oh and happy Halloween. Forgot to put that I guess]
But it was mid August and there is no Summerween here.
"Well well well well well." The new Bill smiles. "What a turn of events!"
"Gruncle Ford..." I walk backwards. "What do we do."
"GO!" He turns and lifts Star onto his back. We run, Wendy and Jackie limping all the way.
"Where's Gruncle Stan!?" Mabel shouts. "And Soos!?"
"I'm sure they are ok." Gruncle Ford begins to run faster, "I should have let them come with." We keep running down the street. We run for what seems like hours but was probably minutes. We duck inside a 24 hour Mc Donald's. There was a reasonable amount of people in the restaurant at 3 am for some reason.
As you may have imagined, a man in a ratty coat, two scratched up kids, two teenager covered in blood and an unconscious Star got some weird looks. Plus we were all really out of breath.
"Jackie?" A voice asks. "Star? What happened?"
"JANNA!" Jackie exclaims and throws her arms around a girl with black hair and who wore a lot of green.
"What's up? Who are these people?" The girl named Janna asks.
"Oh!" Jackie looks at us, "well I mean... Um... You see..."
Jackie's stuttering was interrupted by the windows. They began to crack.
And in walks Bill.
"We have to go!" Jackie grabs Janna's arm and leads her as far away from the entrance as possible. We all follow.
"Excuse me?" Mabel pulls on a waiters sleeve.
"Hm?" The waiter looks shocked at the little bloody girl.
"Is there a back way out."
"No." The guy shrugs. "This isn't a fancy restaurant or anything." He walks off.
"Isn't that like, against the law or something?" I question.
"Excuse me!?" Bill shouts over the crowd. Silence settles.
"What is he doing?" I mutter as we hide behind one of the booths.
"I would just like to say." He laughs dementedly and snaps his fingers. "Run!"
Murmurs settle but nobody moves.
"Adhere to my warning." Bill lights his hands on fire. "The Pine's family did. They are the ones who led me to whole herd of slaves!" Bill laughs and he shot fire balls at people. It hits them, turning them into various materials.
"WHAT!?" Wendy gasps.
"Let's go!" Mabel pulls on my arm.
"You go. I'll distract Bill!!" I say.
"What!?" Gruncle Ford gasps. I look at Star as she comes too.
"Just give me the necklace." I snatch it from is pocket. "You never know."
Screams are heard and the sound of metal and wood hitting the floor.
"Dipper..." Mabel sighs.
"Dude," Wendy sighs. "You're being stupid."
I sigh, "just go-"
"HEY BILL!" I watch as Mabel jumps into the middle of the diner.
"Hi Shooting Star. It's been a while!" Bill laughs as he makes his hand look like a gun.
"MABEL!" I scream.
"Let's go!" Gruncle Ford grabs my arm and drags me around a booth and through the front door.
"MABEL!" I scream.

"Ok Bill," I open my arms. "Here I am."
"Oh shooting star... Do you think I'm stupid??"
"You're distracting me so they can escape! How quaint..."
"So what if I am?" I shrug. "They are long gone by now.
"So what if the are." I hear Bill whisper in my left ear. I stiffen as he speeds around the empty diner, stepping in all the statues he had just made.
"Bill," I breathe. "Just go back the Gravity Falls. Isn't that what you wanted?"
"I want to take over the world!" Bill smiles. He looks absolutely Marco's age now. Almost human...
"So why wait for you're grand scheme to unfold in Gravity Falls."
"Oh Shooting Star!" He laughs and shoot a laser out of the palm of my hand. It hits my chest, and feels as if a hole would appear there. I watch as my hands, short and even my face become pure gold.
And soon my eyes do
And I am left in the dark.

That girl. She was innocent. She didn't have anything to do. No. I can't do anything. Not until I know. Not until I know anything. No, right now I know nothing.
I need to know something.
The only thing I know. The only piece of me left isn't me, I know that. It is somebody. It is a girl.
It is

"HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE HER!?" I shout as Star directs us the Marco's house.
"Dipper I'm sorry! Mabel will be fine! She can take care of herself!"
"But she's up against Bill! In his human form! Nobodies a match for that!!"
"That maybe true." Gruncle Ford sighs as we sprint up the walk to Star's house. "But she did buy us some time."
I stare at him in disbelief as we walk in.

"Star?" Mrs. Diaz asks. I wince as we walk in. "It's 4 am! And where is Marco? And who are these people!?"
"Uh..." I rub my eyes. "It's uh... Complicated."
"How so?" Mrs. Diaz crosses her arms.
"Well... Uh..." I sigh. "There was this demon... Bill? He's this yellow triangle. Anyways, he possessed and tricked Marco and he can spontaneously combust into blue flames and so now Marco looks like him and he's shooting people with laser that turns them into statues."
Mrs. Diaz states at me.
"Oh! And these are some people who Bill tortured!" I point to them.
Mrs. Diaz turns around. "I'm just gonna pretend this was a dream."
She leaves and I pull on my hair. "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!?"


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