Surprise! (Part ll) Choosing baby names

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Surprise! (Part ll)
Choosing baby names

6 months pregnant

A month ago we went to the doctor! And we are having twins, a baby boy and a baby girl!! We are over joy! But it has been very exhausting having two babies, plus I'm eating A LOT!

But apart from that, things have been great! Sebastian took six months off, to be with me when the babies are coming and the other three months to spend time with them. But he had been having meetings and some little projects and all that shit... And today was one of those boring days when my husband wasn't home.... I'm hungry, but I'm too lazy to get up and cook something.

Should I call someone to bring me food....
Yeah.... Let's see Sebastian said he was gonna be home at 5:00 and its 3:00. I can't wait two hours for Sebastian to be home!!

So I dial my sisters phone
(If you don't have a sister then a friend)

"Hey Y/S/N (Y/B/F/N) are you busy?"

"No, are you ok? Are the babies ok!?" She ask concern that something bad might had happen.

"No were fine!! Don't worry. But I need something.... I need you to bring me food or something to eat! I'm starving!! And I'm no dam lazy to get out of bead" there was a long silence when finally Y/S/N (Y/B/F/N) answer.


"Pleaseeeeeee! I'm hungryyyyyy!" I whine like a little kid.

"Ok, calm down woman! What do you want me to bring?"

"Can I get a 20 nuggets, with large fries and a ice-cream" I smile at my choice, just what I needed to be satisfied!

"Ok I will call you when I'm at your house"

"Ok thanks your the best!! Oh the keys are under the carpet!!"


I hung up and smile to myself. I cuddle on the blankets waiting for Y/S/N (Y/B/F/N) to come.


After about the longest 25 minutes of my life Y/S/N (Y/B/F/N) was finally here. Meanwhile I was eating my food happily.

"How are you guys gonna name the babies?" Y/S/N (Y/B/F/N) ask

"I don't know.... We haven't talk about it yet. But for a boy I'll like Daniel" I replied eating my ice cream.

"Awww.... That's a cute name!!" Y/S/N (Y/B/F/N) squeals

After a while Y/S/N (Y/B/F/N) leaves to do some stuff. Sebastian comes minutes after.


"Hey, honey" Sebastian lays down next to me in our bed. He puts a hand on my belly and the babies kick.

"Hi" I replied softly smiling at him. He smile back and gave me a kiss.
"How have the babies been?" Seb ask smiling like a dork, his gonna be a great father.

"Great! Today I had to call Y/S/N (Y/B/F/N) to get me food... I was to dam lazy to get food myself" I cuddle in his chest saying this. He laughs kissing the top of my head.

"I was thinking of a name for our baby boy!" I look at him excitedly
He smiles.

"What's the name?"

"Daniel.... I want him to have a second name.... How about...... Robert?" I suggest

"Daniel Robert Stan, sounds wonderful!! I love it babe" he smiles and kisses my cheek

"And the name of our baby girl, I want you to choose it" I smile. I could sense the happiness between us. After several minutes of thinking, Seb finally talks.

"How about Camila?"

"Nah don't wike it" I say imitating Chris Evans cousin. Sebastian laughed at this reaction.

(I'm sorry if any of you guys name is Camila, I don't want to offend any of my readers)

"Umm how about.... Abigail Felicity Stan?"

" I love it! I can't wait to meet them" I smile


Hi! Hope you guys liked this chapter! Please, if you want me to make a you a imagine I'm more than happy to do it! You can direct message me our comment how ever you feel comfortable with;)

Also would you guys liked if I make another chapter about how Sebastian and you bring your babies home and that stuff? Please comment...
Anyway thanks for reading!!!💛

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