Chapter 1- He's an ASSHOLE

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I am so stupid. How could anyone like ChrisyChris like me after he found out I was a thug. I own one of the biggest thug games in America.

Once ChrissyChris found out about me and my thug connections he was out like the little asshole he is, always covering from danger cause he's a pussy and I'm not afriad to say it anymore now that he ditched me. He always acts so high and mighty when he's around town but when in danger he run's.

How could I be so foolish to like someone like him. I need a real thug in my life not like ChrissyChris, I need a real man to take control.

"Sandrea! Get yo ass over her right now"

I started to walk towards the lounge in our shared apartment. Currently I'm living with my friend Bridget, we live alright because of my game club for thugs. I get good pay and Bridget works for me so thats alright.

"I'm coming bitch"

"Well move faster"

"Don't tell me what to do I'm already here, calm the fuck down alright"

Bridget looked down at her phone and was scrolling for a mere 3 seconds when she said

"What the fuck is ChrissyChris doing in Florida, and what's for dinner"

"ChrissyChris found out about my thug life and ran away, and bitch get yo own dinner I'm going out on a bussiness meeting for the structure of the game thug house"

"Alright San don't get a snappy at me because yo man run away.You know I told you he was an ass from the beggining, he runs away from everything"

"I know, I just wanted to have some fun Bri and he was alright at keeping me entertained"

"Well at least he was good at something"

"I'm leaving now Bridget and theres left over takeaways from yesterday if you want. If you don't want it fine by me bitch"

"Imma eat it now cause you called me a bitch. Now fuck off to your bussiness meeting alright"

"Bye bitch"

I walked out the door and down the few steps towards the street. It was dark out but that didn't faze because I always carried a knife and I knew how to use one, good.

I head toward the corner at the end of the street and take a left turn toward my game house. The reference game is just another word we use for gambling, fights, club and food for thugs. Saying all that is just a mouth full.

I walk down the long set of stairs towards my office at the beggining of the game house. I enter and take a seat and wait 5 minutes before I hear a knock at my door

"Come in" I shout

3 men and a women walk into my office with pieces of large paper in there hands

"Well hello Sandrea"

"Hello Hamish"

The meeting goes on for 45 minutes before we close up scene.

"Thanks for all you help Hamish, I'm sure this will all turn out alright"

"I'm sure it will, see you soon San"


I leave my office and head inside the game house for a drink.

I take a seat at the bar and order a shot of vodka. I take the shot and as soon as I'm finished there's a tap on my shoulder

"Hey, beautiful. What's your name?"

"Sandrea, how bout you?"

"Docs Flo. Thought you'd of heard about me"

"Yes I have, just never seen you or anything"

"How's bout I buy you another drink and we get aquainted with each other. Another vodka I presume?"

"Nah. I'll take a whisky on the rocks"

"So what'd you doing in a place like this?"

"I own this place, how have you not heard of me"

"Oh I have Sandrea, I have"


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