Chapter: 8

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When I woke up, I found Leo walking around the room. He looked tired, almost like he didn't sleep.

"Leo, come lay down." I says tiredly.

"No, no, no... I have to find it, I can loose it, I have to find it." He mumbles, just loud enough for me to hear.

"Have to find what?" I ask standing up.

"The watch. The pocket watch." He turns and says worriedly. My face goes pale.

"Are you sure it's not in your jeans or something?" I ask walking over to him as he turns back around. I was close enough to touch his shoulder.

"IT'S NOT THERE!!" He shouts and whirls around, his hand hitting my right cheek. I fall to the ground from the impact holding my cheek.

"Kenna I-" he starts

"No. Just-just stay away." I say, tears in my eyes as I run out of the hospital room.

"Kenna wait!" I hear Leo shout from down the hall. I burst out of the hospitals and run. I don't know where I'm running to, I'm just running down the sidewalk. I trip over something and fall into the street. When I stood up, it was to late.


Leo's P.O.V.


"Kenna, I'm so sorry." I say to myself, standing over my hospital bed. I hear someone running down the hall shouting and I go to check it out. There was somebody being rushed down the hall, and she looked familiar.

"Kenna?" I think as I start running down the hall. I catch up to the doctors and sure enough, there was Kenna. She looked almost lifeless.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I ask one of the nurses as I run with them down the hall.

"I'm not sure." She answers. They run into a surgery room and shut me out. I stand there, watching from the small window. I saw one last glimps of Kenna's face before a doctor got in the way.

"Please be okay..." I think as I walk down the hall. I find Josh standing at our hospital room door.

"Who was rushed down the hall?" He asks, concerned. I look at him sadly and walk into the room.

"Oh no." I hear him whisper behind me.


Kenna's P.O.V.


I wake up with a horrible pain all over my body. Looking around the room, I see that I'm in a hospital. I look to my left and see a balloon that reads, "Get Better".

"Get better? What happened to me and who's the balloon from?" I think as I look to my right. Someone was sleeping in the chair. It was Leo, fully dressed instead of in scrubs. Wait, if he's fully dressed, he must be better. How long have I been asleep? I try to say his name, but nothing comes out. My lips move, but I don't have a voice. It hurts to try and talk. James eyes flutter open as he wakes up. He walks over to my bed and kneels down.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, worry in his eyes. I slightly shake my head, the slightest movements hurt like hell. I see his eyes starting to water. I very slowly lift my arm, seeing a cast from my fingers to my elbow crease, as I cup Leo's face. He softly smiles before I'm gone.


Leo's P.O.V.


"Kenna? Kenna!" I shout before hering a flat line.

"Don't die on me! Not now!" I hour befor doctors rush in.

"Sir, you have to leave. Right now." A nurse said befor pushing me out of the room.

I run into a wall behind me and slide down it so I'm sitting on the floor.

"You can't die." I say softly.

"How will I tell Josh?" I think as I hug my knees, still siting against the wall.


It's been about 2 hours. A doctor finally walks out of the room.

"Are you Leo?" The doctor asks. I nod.

"Kenna is fine, but she's not gonna be leaving the hospital any time soon." The doctor explains. I run past him and into the room.

"Leo?" I hear Kenna's soft voice say.

"I'm here." I say, a tear rolling down my cheek. I sit next to her hospital bed and she smiles. I kiss her forehead and she falls asleep.


11 months later

Kenna's P.O.V.


"I finally get to leave." I tell Leo smiling.

"Where do you want to go?" Leo asks.

"Hmm. How about the park?" I ask.

We walk to the park and sit in the bench I sat ok with Leo so long ago. I lay my head on his shoulder and we walk as the little kids run around and play. Leo slides off the bench and kneels infrinr of me.

"Kenna. I loved you since the day you, well, saved my life." He says before pulling a tiny box out of his pocket. I cup my hands over my mouth and tears of joy sting my eyes.

"So, will you marry me?" He finally asks.

"Yes! Of course, yes!" I say hugging him. He grabs my hand and slides the ring onto my ring finger.

He stands up and wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss. I was so happy.

"Lets go home." I hear Leo say I between out kisses.


Waking up the next morning I feel the erg to throw up. I run to the bathroom and felt like I was vomiting my guts. Leo walks in and looks worried. We run to the hospital and I felt like I needed to throw up. The doctor comes in after a few tests smiling.

"Congratulations. Your pregnant." I look up at Leo and he was smiling at me.

"What did we do last night." I say laughing before Leo kisses me on the forehead.

~9 months later~

"AAAHH!!!" I scream, crushing Leo's hand and probably breaking all of his bones.

"You did it. It's a girl." I hear the doctor say before I hear crying.

"You did it." I hear Leo say happily, out of breath. I look up and smile at him, tired out of my mind.

"Would you like to see her?" The doctor said. I nod and he hands me the baby.

"What are we gonna name her?" Leo asks happily, smiling down at the baby.

"Chelsy. I say happily." Smiling down at my new baby girl. We go home after that, Knuckles and Chipper in jail for good, and when we got the watch back I never learned what was in that watch. Leo and I moved to a small town in Colorado and we lived happily ever after... Sort of.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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