Season 2 Episode 1:The Andromeda

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SSV Los Angeles:8 days till the Arrival in the firefly system.
      Mavericks Here's Voices in his head involving the past in Earth The Hour Of Arrival Event that occurred it was All just in his head like a Splinter in his head.'Mom!,Mom!,MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!,'"Ahhhh!,Damn It Bastards All Of Them!,"Screamed Drake Mavericks Waking up to the childish Scream of his past,"I can't sleep at all!,"Commented Mavericks with sweat beads dropping like rain drops.

           While Mavericks puts on his white T-Shirt He Here's a knock on his door,"Who is it?!,"Questioned Mavericks,"Its Cortez,you alright Drake?,""Yeah I just met a ghost now,"replied Drake in a sad tone like someone he knew died."Is It about Specter again?,"Said Cortez outside of the room still waiting for him.Drake begins to punch the wall in front of him in fury,when he mentioned Specter."Look Man I understand what your going through man,but we need to let go sometimes alright so listen man don't let the past Haunt you."Ended Cortez feeling Grief and Regret over thinking about Specter.

"So How Are You and Kelsey Doing?,"Asked Cortez,"She Left Zoron and decided to live with her family,and that meant leaving me and letting me go,""I'm Sorry to hear that man,"Said Cortez patting his shoulder and lighting up a cigarette with his lighter while walking."You Know that crap can kill you right?,""Heh I know I make sure it's just one for one day right,"Replied Cortez Reacting to his reference on the cigarette.

         Meanwhile at the SSV Los Angeles Bridge Commander Jacky enters the bridge seeing 3 officers on the left and right side working on the ships status and fleet including 2 Main Pilots who hold the helm of the new ship."At ease ladies and gentlemen,"Ordered Jacky as every one in the bridge took their seats.Out of nowhere a chair rises from the floor while Jacky Approaches the chair with a Holographic Screen In front of him showing the ships map navigation and stability."Commander Long Range Sensor are not showing any unknown activity so far,"Said First Officer Steven,"Well that's a good sign have we got word from Command?," said Jacky wondering if their is anything to be notified about,"No,Sir Command didn't contact us recently due to the Nebula Clouds blocking our signals to contact our approach,"replied Communications Officer Blake."How Long will it take to go pass the Nebulas?,"questioned Commander Jacky wondering pointing at the radar scan of Nebulas,"Commander Due to our position it would take us about 2 days to get past them,and for 2 days we have to decrease our Impulse speed down to 15.5 impulse,To make that timing if we don't make that impulse number then the ships engines would Overload due to the Nebula's Energy Readings,"Said Navigator Shane,"Alright Then I guess we have a long 2 days ahead of us,Tell Chief Engineer Harris to Decrease Impulse Speed to 15.5 impulse speed,and Turn 90 degrees left that way we can be able to evade the strongest energy readings,"ended Jacky,"Aye,Sir,"Replied 1st Officer Steven.

       Planet Sardon
        U.N. Committee Station

       U.N. Defense Prime General Hackery Stands tall over a Microphone saying,"One Week Ago Planet Zoron Was Attacked By the Colonators but I received word that the Attack was their first failure for the first time,It was Repelled by our very own new Weapon of terrifying force Ladies and Gentlemen this one weapon used by  trained pilots is called Project Centurion!,"Expressed General Hackery introducing the 12 foot sized Humanoid Shaped Dark Blue Machine With people rising from their seats clapping the Centurion Behind the Powerful Speaker begins to Salute to everyone in the crowd like a uniformed solider in attention."This Ladies and Gentleman this our Pillar of might to defend our colonies and win this war,And Once we use the Centurion in battles we will turn the tides to our enemies and show them that Humanity will not Fall for extinction and we will break their invading armies and take back our Species Home World Earth and Restart Our Lives!,"The Crowd was left with tears of joy having Faith that the Human Race will win the War.

A/N:Hope You Enjoyed the start of Season 2 and Begin The Next Journey of your favorite Giant Mech Series And Remember be sure to share this book and add it to your reading lists see you in episode 2.

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