Hotel Andrea

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Kylie's POV :

         3 days passed and I haven't heard anything from Mat. I'm sure by now he already forgot about me and moved on to someone he actually deserved. Someone way better then me. All I have done was stayed in the apartment with Connor all day, which has been hell. For the past two days it's been nothing but yelling, screaming, throwing things, harsh words, hits. I have countless bruised and big cuts decorating every place on my thin body. It's miserable to say the least.
    At the moment, Connor was drinking his beers in the living room watching a football game while I was in Charlie's room trying to help him read one of his books. I was silently praying that today wouldn't be like the last few and maybe I could just go lay down and sleep for a bit or something and not worry about Connor. But the chance of that happening were slim.
    I was laying in bed trying to rest my wary body while I listen to Charlie stumble through his words. As I tried to help, my phone buzzed a few times. I looked at it puzzled, no one ever text me. And it was the one person I was secretly dying to hear from.
   Mat: hey beautiful.. im worried like crazy bout u. pls text me back so I know ur good.
   Mat: i cant get u out my mind, lemme see that gorgeous face again soon :)
    I smiled at how sweet the messages were. I wanted to reply but I didn't know what to say, he wants to see me. And I can't have him see me like this, I just need to let him go be happy with some perfect girl. That's what he deserved. So as much as it hurt to ignore those messages, I did because he doesn't need a pain like me in his life.
     Only about 10 minutes passed when the next one text lit up my phone screen;
     Mat: goin a lil crazy thinkin bout this.. pls be ok bby..
   I smiled a sad smile as I turned my phone off. He was so sweet, he deserves the world not a fucked up girl who can't take care of herself. I just had to remind myself this is for the better.
     I almost thought I was going to be able to take a quick nap to catch up on all the lost sleep but the second I heard my name sharply shouted from the next room I knew there was no chance. I sighed as I gave Charlie a quick kiss on the head and got out of the bed.
    "Love you baby, keep practicing your reading and whatever you do please don't come out of your room," I murmured as I braced myself for what was about to happen. He simply nodded as I closed the door behind me and walked over to Connor.
    The room reaked of him and his cold dark stare stayed fixed on me. He seemed out of it as nothing but his harsh breathing filled the silence. He had a hand on his bottle of beer and another trying to smooth out his mess of hair while he continued to nothing but stare.
     "Why don't you love me anymore?" He slurred out loudly with a small grumble. I was a little shocked at the words, I didn't even think he would care anymore if I did or didn't. I doubted he still even had the slightest inch of love for me in his heart.
    "ANSWER ME DAMNIT!" He hollored as he abruptly stood up, nearly knocking the coffee table over. "WE USED TO BE HAPPY, KYLIE. BUT YOU FUCKED IT UP!" He yelled and threw the brown glass bottle in his towards me, successfully.
    I let out a scream in pain as it shattered against face and arms from where I tried block my face but too late. I could already feel the hot liquid trickling down my cheeks and forearms. The stinging was relentless and excruciating, I was almost positive glass was still left behind in my cuts. My hand wiped my face softly, leaving my fingers cover in the crimson color and tears that were falling. But as if he could leave it at that he marched towards me and grabbed me by my forearms, squeezing as hard as he could over the fresh cuts,
     "I work so hard..FOR YOU JUST TO RUIN THINGS! YOU THINK YOU'RE MISERABLE?! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT MISERABLE IS. THIS ISN'T SHIT. YOU DESERVE TO BE OUT ON THE STREETS TO DIE FOR ALL I CARE!" He shouted as he pushed me against the wall. "All you do is sit at home! While I'm busting my ass so we can stay living here! All I want is a fucking break!" He growled as he leaned closer to me, "Just be the whore you know you are or else you'd wish you were dead." He whispered in my ear and he began to kiss on my neck. I tried to squirm from his grip, but only for a harsh slap to the cuts on my face causing a serious burning and pain from whatever glass was still in there. I bit my lip to try to hold back a cry but to no avail.
   "DON'T EVEN START THAT!" He yelled as he dragged me to the couch. He roughly pushed me down and climbed on top of me as I continued to protest which Connor just ignored and did what he pleased.

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