Rant & Star Wars

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I am sooooooooooooo p*ssed off with my family. My sister keeps crying cause apparently I upset her cause I get angry at her but NOOOOOOO, I'm just like that cause she's stubborn and I'm trying to explain stuff to her but she won't listen. My dad expects me to help around the house. But I want to do my own thing cause it's MY holidays, not his. And mum's just working so she's not bothering me that much. And a couple of days ago, we were at a house party and they had all the Star Wars movies so it was 10 mins till the end of the Revenge of the Sith (a.k.a. Star Wars 3) and dad said we need to go home. And I was like, pa, it's 10 mins till the end. Then he's like, Simba (my dog) has no light. (Cause we keep him outside and it was night) So I'm really p*ssed that I couldn't finish it.

Star Wars
Right now, I'm in love with Star Wars. I've only watched the first 2 movies and I have 10 mins to go on the 3rd one (thanks a lot pa) and I ship Anakin and Padmé (even tho Anakin becomes darth Vader) and I wanna be a Jedi cause you can use the force and you get an awesome light saber. Even tho it looks dangerous to become a Jedi, I'm a bit of a thrill seeker/adrenaline junkie so it's gonna be awesome. And anakin's kinda cute. So I'm gonna get my mum's friend to download all the Star Wars movies and I'm gonna watch it all so I can see the Force Awakens (a.k.a. Star Wars 7) in December. I just need to find someone to watch it with cause my dad don't do sci-fi. He watched the 1st 10 mins of Star Wars: the phantom menace (a.k.a. Star Wars 1) and he fell asleep. My dad doesn't have a good taste in movies. If you don't like sci-fi (divergent, hunger games, maze runner, Star Wars and that sort of sh*t) then you're not my friend. Lol, just joking. I've got a friend who doesn't like the hunger games (I made her read the hunger games and she only finished half of the 1st book before giving it back to me cause she said it was boring!!! UNBELIEVABLE) So ya.... ANAKIN x PADMÉ 4eva!!! And I saw this on Pinterest, it showed a pic of of Anakin and Padmé, then at the bottom, it said still a better love story than twilight. You see, I don't get why people say something is a better love story than twilight and why they say bella did nothing. I have nothing against twilight. I'm just curious.

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