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So apparently my grades are lowering but school is getting really hard. I find myself not having time to do leisure stuff and my weekends are spent doing assignments. So my mum said that if my grades don't improve, she'll delete wattpad off my iPad. She believes stuff like that is a distraction. Well guess what.... School is a distraction to our creativity. I believe that when we apply for school, we should take subjects we want to focus on. I'll let English, sport and math be main subjects which everyone has to do but everything else, we get to choose. So if you like sport, then take an advanced sport class. If you want to be a doctor when you grow up, then take classes which specialise in doctor stuff. You have to improve in things that you like so that you don't waste your time on things you find boring. Besides, you only live once. If you only live once, spend your time doing the things you love. Isn't that what everyone says??? Then why not change school to support our needs???

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