Chapter Four

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After spending the weekend in New York we traveled to Boston. The boys were ecstatic about the American leg of their tour, even though we found out that Ed couldn't stay the whole time. He wanted me to come home with him, but Liam and Zayn convinced him that I should stay for the remainder of the tour.

In the suite in Chicago, I was walking and tweeting at the same time. Predictably, I ran directly into a glass table, knocked it over, and embedded glass all over my left arm.

"Fuck!" I cried, watching the blood pour out.

"Oh my god, Demi!" Louis came in, staring at the pools of crimson.

"I tripped." I said sheepishly. He dragged me into the living room.

"Babe, are you okay?" Ashton asked, coming over and examining my arm.

"She doesn't look very okay, does she?" Niall asked, annoyed.

"We need to get the glass out." Ed said calmly. He got some tweezers and alcohol, laid me on the table, and started doing home surgery.

"Niall, hold my hand. It hurts." I commanded, squeezing my eyes shut. I felt his warm hand grasp my cold one.

"Demi, your phone is ringing!" Niall called.

"Who is it?" I asked without opening my eyes.

"Unknown number."

"Answer it. I think it's Dr. Hepburn."

"Hello?" Niall's voice asked.

"She's busy." He said coldly after a short pause.

"She's great. A lot better without you."

"You didn't see what you did to her! It broke her, and you couldn't have cared less, so excuse me for being a bit less than polite to you, okay, Nathan?"

Nathan. Nathan was calling. I gasped, heart racing, and jumped away from Ed who wasn't even halfway done removing glass from my arm, and tackled Niall.

"Please," I whispered, "Please let me speak to him."

"You've gotten lucky, mate." He growled into the phone and thrust it back to me.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly and hopped back on the operating table. Ed glared at me. He nursed a passionate hatred for Nathan James Sykes. It didn't help that I used to be in love with him.

"Hi." I breathed.

"Demi?" He asked. I could hear the smile in his voice. I knew everyone was looking at me like I was crazy, but I wasn't going to do what they expected. Niall's face fell.

"Hi, Nath. Why are you calling?"

"Well, I heard that you were out and we kind of wanted to see you."

"You see, the problem is that I want absolutely nothing to do with you."

"What? Demi-"

"Nathan, I opened up to you! I told you everything and you judged me! I told you that I was dying and you told me that I was a drama queen. I needed help and you weren't there for me!"

Noises of shock rang from around the room. The boys had never known that I told Nathan how sick I was nearly a year before I entered recovery.

"Demi, I was a stupid kid-"

"And now you're a stupid man. I'm better now and I don't have time for people who don't truly love me. I have an incredible support system and it's an absolute pity you couldn't be a part of it."

"I just- Demi." His voice strained. "I didn't know what to do."

"You broke my heart!" I was very near yelling now. "I gave you everything I had to give and you pushed me away! How am I supposed to forgive that? I was in love with you! It took me ages to get over it! I loved you with all my heart and it didn't even matter!"

Back For You (Niall Horan/ Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now