Love Rivals

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You've just finished the song so you decide to go down to the bar while Gray talks to everyone (And by talks I mean has a fight with Natsu)
"Hey Mira" you greet walking over to her. "Oh hi (Y/N), I've been meaning to talk to you" Mira comes over with 2 mugs of hot chocolate, she gives one to you before sitting down beside you. "So...Gray." She starts. "What about Gray?" You ask confused. "You like him don't you?" You spit your drink out dramatically.

"JUST BECAUSE I SANG WITH HIM DOESN'T MEAN WE'RE IN LOVE!" You knew you were lying but you weren't ready to confess to him just yet, you could tell she knew as well. "Well, if you say so...but I still think you'd look cute together" Mira walks off and you're left alone with your thoughts. He doesn't like you (Y/N), he said so before
But he could be faking it. But Juvia likes him anyway there's no point. But he said he didn't like Juvia and- Mid thought you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder. "(Y/N)!" Gray half yells. "W-What?" You stutter. "You were daydreaming" he says bluntly."Oh, was I?" You say pretending not to care. "Yeah you were. Anyway, want to go on a job tomorrow?" He asks. "Sure, what is it?" Gray hands you a piece of paper it says on it 'We're having trouble with a bang of bandits in our town, could you please help?' Reward=4000 jewel.

"So?" Gray asks. "We could split the money if you like" "Okay, I'll do it!" You smile.
"I know it's not a huge reward but I thought you should start with an easy job seeing as it's your first" Gray puts a hand on your shoulder. "Oh wait, who's coming with us?" You ask before he can get up to leave. "What are you talking about?" Gray says. "Is anyone else coming on the job with us?" You clarify. Gray laughs. "I'm pretty sure we can handle this on our own" You giggle before nodding in agreement "Me and (Y/N) are going out on a job! We'll be back before dark!" He calls out to the master.

"Hold up! I need to grab something real quick" You run out of the guild doors and after a few seconds of running, you reach Gray's house. "Where is it?" You say frantically searching through your bag "Here it is" You say holding up a beautiful diamond ring. "What's that?" Gray blurts out from the doorway to his house. You jump not realising he followed you back. "Gray! You scared me" you scold. "Oh sorry. What is that thing anyway?" He says referring to the ring you're holding.You take a deep breath "Before I was born my mom belonged to a guild...this guild in fact, this was where she met my dad. She got married and I was even born in the guild. When I was born she left saying it was too big of a risk to raise a child here." You sigh. "She always wanted me to join a guild and learn magic, she would always tell me stories of her adventures here in Fairy Tail. That's why I was so surprised when I was brought here, it's also why I joined so abruptly" you explain.

"You were born in the guild?" Gray asks surprised. "Yeah. Anyway, before she died the last thing she did was hide me in a box so I wouldn't get taken to the tower of heaven. Then she slipped this ring on my finger and kissed me on the head and that was the last thing she ever did. This ring, it was her wedding ring" you explain. "You okay (Y/N)-san?" Gray asks. "Yeah, I guess you could say I am living the life she wanted me to live" You smile, looking down at the ground. "She would be very proud of you if she could see you now" Gray states. "Whenever I do something important, I take this ring with me, it makes me feel as if she's always with me" you say. "You ready for your first job then?" Gray asks trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, let's go" you grin as you both stand up ready to start the mission.

---Time skip to fighting the bandits---

"GRAY! COMBINED ATTACK! NOW!" You practically scream. Gray smirks at you as if to say lets go. "ICE MAKE ICE DEVIL'S ZEROTH LONG SWORD!"
"ICE DRAGON WATER FIST!" Gray throws the now-highly-powerful sword he created and the enemies are all wiped out. "W-We did it!" Gray pants, out of breath from the previous attack. "We'd better hurry back before it gets dark" you say brushing yourself off. "Yeah, come on" You begin walking through the woods and you sense someone following you. "Gray, something doesn't feel right" You say tugging his arm. He looks down at you, concerned. "What's wrong?" "I think somebody's following us" you mumble. "Don't be silly, it's probably just your imagination" he nudges you slightly in a joking manor.

You continue walking for a while suddenly you see a thick fog cover the forest and you loose sight of Gray. "Gray? Gray where are you?" You shout. You suddenly hear a familiar voice behind you "LOVE RIVAL!" "Juvia?" You turn to see Juvia staring at you angrily. "JUVIA WON'T LET YOU TAKE HER GRAY-SAMA!" She screams. "I-I'm not trying-" Before you can finish she interrupts you "FIGHT ME!" "What? Now? I can't do that!" You retort. "WATER SLICER!" You dodge the attack, leaping out of the way.
"I really don't want to fight you" you sigh. "SIERRA!" She charges at you and hits you hard. "JUVIA STOP THIS!" You screech getting angry. "IF YOU WON'T FIGHT ME THEN I'LL END THIS NOW!" She yells back. "JUVIA!" You say trying to get her to stop. "WATER LOCK!" You try to block the attack but you fail to deflect it, you open your eyes to find yourself in a water bubble.

It suddenly dawns upon you that you can't breathe inside of the bubble. "HELP! I CAN'T BREATHE! GRAY! SOMEBODY PLEASE!" You try to shout but your breath is running out rapidly. "HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE EVERYTHING TAKEN FROM YOU BY SOMEBODY ELSE?" Juvia cries from outside of the watery death trap."JUVIA! YOU PSYCHO! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME!" "HAD ENOUGH?" Juvia asks."YES! I-" You accidentally breathe in, filling your mouth and lungs with water."FINE! WATER LOCK EVAPORATE!" The bubble should've disappeared but it doesn't budge. You start coughing hysterically. "G-GRAY H-HELP ME!" "WHY ISN'T IT DISAPPEARING?" Juvia screeches using all her strength to try and reverse the water lock.

"(Y/N)?" You hear a faint voice in the distance. It's Gray. "H-help...please" You say but it's barely audible as completely ran out of air now, you have no strength left to try and break free from the seal.  "GRAY-SAMA CAN'T KNOW ABOUT THIS!" Juvia squeals, panicking. "(Y/N)?!?!" You hear Gray's voice calling your name and see a blurred figure running towards you. You try to call out his name but you can only whisper "Gray..." "JUVIA! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? GET HER OUT!" Gray yells. "I-IT WON'T DISAPPEAR!" Juvia starts to cry. "SHIT! SHE'S GONNA DIE! HOW DO I SAVE HER?" Gray screams at the top of his voice. "FREEZE IT!" Juvia says through tears. "ICE MAKE ICE IMPACT!" He grabs the massive icy hammer and hits the water causing it to freeze.

"G-Gray?" You smash out of the ice with ease before collapsing on the ground. You begin coughing up water as you lie there unable to do anything, "(Y/N)!" Gray gasps. You have your eyes shut tight, you can feel yourself shaking. "H-h-h-h" you try to speak but nothing comes out except slight whimpers. "Ssh, don't speak (Y/N) you're going to be okay GRAY whilst ears softly. He stands up and turns to Juvia. "JUVIA! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" Juvia starts crying again "I-I'm sorry" "I-It wasn't her fault, she didn't mean to hurt me like t-that" you say defending Juvia. "(Y/N), you don't need to cover for me like that" Juvia sniffles. "But it really wasn't you" you smile at her.

"Juvia, I'm still angry at you but we should get back to the guild" Gray sighs. Juvia looks ashamed as Gray picks you up gently and carries you bridal style back to the guild. You bury your head into his chest for warmth as he strokes your hair soothingly. (Y/N), are you positive you're okay?" He asks. "I'm fine" You blush. It feels nice knowing Gray cares about you so much. "Promise?" He says. "I promise" you confirm. You feel safe in his muscular arms and soon you fall asleep. "We're back (Y/N)" Gray whispers stroking your hair again. You open your eyes to see Gray standing over you and Juvia stood in the doorway to his room with a bunch of flower. "I'm so sorry about everything" Juvia apologises looking down. "Stop apologising, you did nothing wrong" Juvia hugs you and you smile. "Thanks for being my friend Juvia" Juvia smiles. "Juvia is happy to have such a kind hearted comrade" she says before leaving.

Gray comes to sit on the bed beside where you're lying. "I'm so sorry about her" Gray puts his hand on your shoulder. "Don't you start apologising aswell!" You both laugh.
"I'll let you get some sleep then" Gray gets up, leaving up you alone. You lie down and fall asleep almost straight away

Ice cold love (A Gray x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now