A Touchy Subject.

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Twitch turned to look at Vincent. "Gosh damn, Vincent, you're popular recently-"

Vincent interrupted, "I'm just as popular as always. Some people just seem to have an obsession over me. Am I right, Scott?"

Scott glared at Vincent, "I wouldn't know."

Twitch coughed, "Break it up, you two. Here's your question, Vincent. 'Does Vincent wish that he'd never had anything to do with Freddy Fazbear's?'"

Everybody looked at Vincent suspiciously. "W-Wait... w-what's that s-supposed to mean?" Jeremy stuttered nervously.

Vincent looked around and glared slightly at Twitch. "Can I answer this question somewhere else?"

"No," Twitch replied plainly and Vincent sighed.

"Fine. No. I love it here. The memories of what I've done are good ones. I don't regret anything I've done, if that's what you're asking."

Twitch looked at him darkly, seeing as she was the only one who knew what he was talking about, though Scott had a fair idea and Mike was suspicious.

Vincent grinned and shrugged "What can I say?"

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