Jingle Bells, Freddy Smells...

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((Ayy! Merry Christmas to every one of my readers! Thank you very much for reading my story, voting, commenting and adding it to your lists! The best Christmas present I could ask for.
Thank you again,
-Twitch, Vincent and the rest of the gang.))

"Whoooo," Twitch danced into the room, wearing a party hat. "Meeerrryyy Chrissstttmmmaaaassss!"

Vincent had attached a little bit of mistletoe to his hat so it was hanging over his eyes. He ran up to Twitch, "Hey there, look who's under the mistletoe...!"

"Vincent..." Scott mumbled. "That's not funny."

"Oh ho ho, look who's jealous~!" Vincent sang. "Nah, it's all good, Twitchy. I'll leave you to Mike, huh?"

"What!?" Mike exclaimed.

"Vincent!" Twitch glared at him.

Vincent chuckled. "That's my Christmas present to you. Fritz, for you I got you a dinner date with Chica,"

"You WHAT!?!?" Fritz shouted.

"Meh, you'll thank me later. Mike, I replaced those clothes I sprayed blue..." Vincent pulled out a small packet of clothing and threw them at Mike.

"Hey! These are, like, five sizes too small!" Mike protested.

"Are they? I hadn't noticed..." Vincent said distractedly. "Jeremy, here," he chucked a disc at Jeremy, which he caught.

"W-W-What's this...?"

"The latest edition of HuniePop. Enjoy your innocence while it lasts... Too bad they never made a version with guys. And Scott? Christmas dinner for two at my place tonight."

Scott smiled, "Sounds good."

"Wait until you see the dessert..." Vincent said, and then grinned. "Well, my Christmas cheer giving is done... The place is closed, I ain't doing any dares... I'm outta here!" With that, he walked out of the Office.

"Rude," Mike frowned. "Well if that's all said and done, I guess I'll go, too. Oh but Twitch, what did Vincent mean before? With the-"

"Don't ever bring it up again, Mike," Twitch shuddered. "You don't want to know."

"Whatever," Mike said. "Later, losers." He followed out after Vincent.

Fritz was hyperventilating. "A date with Chica? What should I wear? Oh no, I'm going to screw up!"

"H-HuniePop? W-What's that?" Jeremy asked, frowning at the disc. "I-I'll play it this a-afternoon."

Scott had a strange kind of smile on his face and a glint in his eye. "Well, I'm going to go get ready for tonight. Seeya, folks." He walked out, pausing at the door, "And Merry Christmas!"

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