Chapter 12: Dreamland ✅

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You know that ache you feel deep within your heart when you loose something that you held very dear? Like you'd do anything to get it back?

That's how I felt, but what could I do though? She'd even moved away to escape this. Maybe I should chase after her... After all, that's what girls wanted, isn't it? A man that will never give up on them? That will always love them? That's the problem with them these days: They always want more. They can't be happy when they have a perfect setup. No, they have to run away in search of respite or whatever she was searching for. Was it enlightenment? Was it to get over her problems? Was it... to find a new love?

My knuckles turned white from my grip on the steering wheel as it tightened. She couldn't find someone new! She's mine and I wouldn't let her do something stupid like that. No, she still loved me, I knew it. She couldn't be without me; she needed me.

I flipped on the radio, hoping to distract myself.

"Take me into the sun, I feel I'm chasing rainbows..."

This song? Really? It was Chasing Rainbows by Bring Me The Horizon. It was her favorite band and favorite song. Of course it would come on when I'm thinking about her, but all it did was make me angrier.

I switched the channel, hoping for a better song.

"Don't you forget about me."

No! I pounded my fist against the steering wheel, gritting my teeth in extreme frustration. This was from her favorite movie, The Breakfast Club. It was the last song that played at the very end before the credits.

"No don't, don't, don't, don't."

I quickly turned the radio off.

Why was my car against me all of a sudden? Why did my life plague me so with memories brought back by simple, stupid things like a song?

She'd ruined me. She'd destroyed my life. Everything I saw or thought, I could connect to her, to some memory of her.

I glanced out of the window at a passing distance sign, an angry scowl planted on my face.

Beside me, an eighteen wheeler blared its horn to wake me from the trance I didn't know I was in.

My hands swept to the side, the steering wheel spinning to jerk me away from the side of the deadly vehical that was no more than a foot away from me. I turned the car back onto its path in the lane I was in and closed my eyes in a sigh before looking up and seeing a flash of blue before I was suddenly in the air.


Sorry about it being about half of what I usually update with, but recent chapters are slowing down! Oh no! I can't let that happen so its time to "Bam! kick it up a notch!"
Anyway, do you know who this mysterious character is? What happened to him? We'll find out later!

(P.S. Thank you guys so much for the support! I SO appreciate it. It means loads!!!)

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