Chapter 20: Stuck ✅

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You were locked in, stuck fast to his chest by his big and cuddly arms. You couldn't move, else the man under/behind you should wake.

You could feel his breath on your scalp as he breathed, his inhales raising your whole body since you were resting with your back on his chest.

Your cheeks burned bright red, no doubt with shame at the predicament, and had been since you woke up. Such dirty thoughts, thoughts you'd never even thought before, kept entering your mind.

How could you think that way? This was Mark! Stop it!

You were sure that if he could read your mind, he'd be utterly disgusted with you. After all that had happened yesterday, this was what your mind chose to dream about. If he ever knew what you were thinking, you'd be the definition of screwed.

With that word, more thoughts poured through your brain.


It did no good to scream at yourself in your mind. The imagined image of his hot, naked flesh pressed up against your own and his soft, perfect lips molding to your own were too bold a picture; it dominated all others.

Just what did this mean for you? Did it mean that you... hungered for him? Why would you? Granted, he had a very attractive body, but why would yours wish to respond the way it did? Why was it so hard to resist?

You had already accepted the fact that you liked him; it was hard not to. He was too sweet, too kind. He always showed that he cared, even at his own expense. This was an example of one:

The hospital. When you'd told him that someone you knew was in the hospital, he simple became adamant that he was taking you, despite his apparent hatred for hospitals. You wondered what he had against them...

But wasn't this right here another prime example? That window he was leaned against must have been cold, yet he leaned against it and eventually fell asleep despite its sharp chill just so you would be comfortable and so you would be warm. Even now, you felt his biceps tense and shudder slightly. He was cold, but you couldn't move.

What about last night? You'd broken back into your million pieces, rubbed so raw your patch broke and your emotions poured out again. You hadn't even realized it until it happened that you were in so much pain and so stressed. He'd been there despite that. You may have yelled at him, you may have cursed at him to try and get him to go away, to leave you alone. You didn't really remember that, but you remembered that he hadn't listened and instead wrapped you in a hug and held you close. That was the last thing you remembered until now. In his car...

Why did you have to care for this man so? Why did you have to like, or even love, someone who thinks of you as nothing more than a friend? Didn't he think of you as nothing more than that? How were you supposed to know? It's not like you were skilled at reading people and he sure treated you like just a friend.

Except for this, you reminded yourself. Friends don't lay together like this. Not when they have the option of a warm hospital room. He wouldn't be holding you like this.

Was that true? Was this a sign to tell you that he does care for you? All this thinking was making your brain hurt.

Your paling cheeks flared up again as you noticed the thin coat of fog on the windows. What if someone walked by? What would they think? You needed to get up, whether it woke him or not.

You sat up slightly, just the faintest change in movement, but was locked down further by his arms. They pulled you upwards, his nose being nuzzled in the crook of your neck now.

"Don't go..." he murmured sleepily. At least, you figured he still was asleep. "Stay... with me. Don't go."

You found it adorable, the way he acted. He was like a little boy with his cuddly sock animal, holding it close all night long and not wanting to part with it in the morning.

"No, Mark," you assured him as you relaxed into his arms again and gazed up at the roof of the car. "I'm never leaving."

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