40 6 1

A\N sorry if this part sucks. I think Mr. Writer's block has returned. Curse you Writer's Block!! (Doofenshmirtz style)

Anyways, on with the chapter!!

P.S. this has some major flashbacking.

Chapter 6:
My Side Of The Story (1)

Swift's POV

My mother always made me promise.

Promise to be kind, promise to share, promise to love....

But there was one promise that I held on to, all the time.

Promise to do the right thing.


"Celi, catch it!! " (A\N it's pronounced See-Lee. )

The room was filled with laughter as the ball was tossed to the side of the room.

I scooted to catch it and laughed along with her. "Ok, Lilac. Here it comes! " I tossed it back to her.

It was late at night in boring, old, VaudeVil, around 10 pm to be exact. My cousin and I were bored and neither of us could sleep.

So we decided to play a little game.

She giggled as the ball harmlessly bounced off her nose.

"Oops, hehe. " she failed to catch it and it rolled under our makeshift bed.

My village was, wealthy in a way.

No, not the jewels, or gold, or trinkets.

It's the friendly little people that live here.

VaudeVil is located somewhere in the United States. This tiny community has a population of two.

No, just kidding. About 40 people live here. And those 40 people have lived a, 'not exactly easy ' life, but we managed.

'Not exactly easy ' refers to 5 local governments that want us out, 25 harsh winter and summer seasons, and 1 giant earthquake.

The people, however, have always kept a smile on their faces.

They all have cute little huts and houses made out of wood and stone.

Except for Lilac and I.

Me and my cousin were always into the family code 'To Live Simply'

And instead of living in those cozy, warm, huts, we decided to stay in an old, rickety shack.

The chief of this village was Eubert, son of Wilkinshire.

He was a serious fellow, but always knew how to crack a joke or two.

Lilac, although she was only 11, was the nurse of the village. She knew all about which plants were medicinal and poisonous. Edible and not. She also knows how to cook.

She dreams of becoming a doctor one day, having earned her scholarship at Harvard University.

While I'm not much into medicine, I'm more into hunting and fishing. There's a nearby forest with a lake, so I can make do. I basically give the food to Lilac so she can prepare it for the entire village.

I take morning classes while Lilac takes afternoon, so we're still getting the education we need.

Huh, I haven't really realized how busy our lives were.

"Haha, don't worry. I'll get it. " I waved it off as I crouched to get the ball.

Then, I heard a loud scream and saw Lilac perk up.

"What was that?! " she asked.

"What... " I moved but I accidentally bumped my head against the bedframe. I managed to crawl out from under with the ball in hand.

"Ow... Happened? " I rubbed my head.

Lilac still had her head perked up. "I don't know. But we better check it out. "

The two of us ran out of our shack, just when our neighbor, Ms. Ling, came rushing the other direction.

"Ms. Ling, what's happening?! " I addressed her.

She stopped running and she was panting. "They're "

I'm guessing she's completely out of breath, but I could still understand her.

"Who? Who's here? " Lilac worriedly asked.

I still haven't told Lilac about it. Or...him.

We looked in the distance and saw a huge 'boom' and the rest of the village burst into flames.

Fear immediately struck into my heart at just the thought of his name.

"Lilac, get outta here. Ms. Ling, make sure she is far, far away from here. " I warned, not taking my eyes off the burning flames that engulfed VaudeVil.

"What?! Why?! No, I can't leave you here. I can help, but I need to know what's going on. Please! " Lilac pulled at my arm.

I looked her in the eye. "You're name from now on is Violet. Ms. Ling is your mother. You lived in Japan before you moved to the States. Go, Now!! "

I pushed the two away before heading to my bike. It was still old and hasn't been used yet, but it will do.

"Alright, let's see this baby in full gear. " I mumbled to myself as I sped up to the source of the fire.

I put on my helmet and gear already, so no need to worry about that.

I looked back and saw Lilac rushing away with Ling. My heart aches to know that I had to abandon her, but I had to remind myself that it was for her own safety.

Time to take him down once and for all.

I run a finger against my back. Sheathes, check. Quiver, check.

My bike sped up and passed by the different villagers.

"Go, get outta here. Now! " I told them as I sped by.

"But, what about you?! " Eubert asked, looking back at me.

"What about me? " I said, looking him in the eye.

He understood my message and nodded to me as he continued running.

I came across some rubble that my bike couldn't pass through. I got off and I saw the source of the fire.

Oroku Saki.

So we meet again, buckethead.

Sorry if it's short, but don't worry. There's more of this flashbacking.

Oh, I was bored and decided to watch Lion King while making this chappie.

Guess what hit me straight in the chest.

THE FEEELLLS!! THEY RETURN ONCE AGAINN!! Curse you, you stupid Scar!! Why did you have to take over Pride Rock, why?! Those hyenas are good for nothing and you know it!!

*clears throat* Ok, that was random.

Anyways, this is EAS here, signing off.

*does salute while eating popcorn again because is still watching Lion King and getting bombarded with feels*

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