So this isn't an original idea, I may or may not be stealing it from a beauteous collection of one-shots written by @author144 for septiplier. Essentially what this is going to be is a story split up into one-shots, and every part has a title corresponding to its events that begins with every letter of the alphabet. In total it'll be 26 chapters and I don't really have a solid upload schedule yet, but I should have one by E at the latest. This will also be set in a slightly altered universe. That being said, enjoy. :)
"Who does she think she is?" Betty whispered to Laura Hollis, leaning over the lunch table with her mouth hovering next to the other girl's ear. There was a new girl in Silas, and no one quite liked her due to her arrogant disposition. The girl in question? Carmilla Karnstein, who now threatened some freshmen girls to get out of her seat. When no one complied, she yanked one of them out of her chair by the hair and the rest scattered.
"Earth to Laura?"
"What? Oh, sorry." The shorter girl flushed beet red at the realization that she'd been staring. "You know me, just love me some action."
Betty rolled her eyes. "Right. Admit it, raven-haired beauty over there caught your eye."
"No way!" Laura's voice squeaked as it jumped an octave, and she cleared her throat. "I mean, I'm just studying for my sociology class-"
"By checking her out? I believe that about as much as I believe you aren't a complete dork. Go talk to her!"
Laura obstinately shook her head. "I don't like her! She's such.." She swallowed, hating to talk badly about anyone. "She's a freak!"
"That doesn't change the fact that you're totally into her. Come on, Laura. Girl the hell up and go talk to her!"
Before she could protest, Betty grabbed her by the arm and was dragging her towards the other end of the cafeteria. She stopped about ten feet from the table and gave her friend a small push towards Carmilla before turning and going back to their table.
Laura audibly swallowed as she took walked the last distance between her and the dreaded table. "H-hi, I'm um.." She legitimately forgot her name with the way Carmilla stared at her. She let out a nervous laugh. "I'm Laura, and- wow this is awkward. Not that we're awkward, it's just.." Carmilla was smirking, looking genuinely amused by the girl's antics.
"..I'm awkward, you're gorgeous." Laura finished, face turning beet red as she realized she'd said the last bit out loud. "There's really no way to come back from that one, huh?" Another nervous laugh.
Carmilla's smirk turned into a sort of half-smile. "Thanks, creampuff. You're not so bad looking yourself." Her tone was casual and joking at the same time. Laura felt her face heat up even more.
"Um.. Thanks." She couldn't think of anything else to say.
Carmilla gave her a nod, probably meaning you're welcome by the gesture.
"Sorry for bothering you.." Laura began to walk back to her table, but stopped to hear what Carmilla had to say next.
"You're not bothering me, you'd know if you were."
Choosing to ignore the comment, the brunette got back to the table where Betty waited and socked her in the arm before sitting down and putting her head down on the table. "Worst. Crush. Ever," she groaned as the alarm on her watch went off. Now she had to suffer through the rest of the school day with this embarrassment.
Soo this chapter is really short, the next will be longer, promise! I'm just trying to estimate how many people would actually be willing to read these :)

Carmilla (Hollstein) One-Shots
FanfictionDisclaimer: I don't own any music used in this writing, nor do I own the characters (This book will more than likely contain spoilers.) A collection of various randomly written one-shots for the pairing of Laura Hollis and Carmilla Karnstein, from t...