This one's kinda short but I thought it was cute anyway
"Mircalla Karnstein!" Her girlfriend yelled from the other room. She'd used her full name, which meant she was absolutely livid. She bit down on her lip to keep from laughing as she finished up the round of the game they were playing. As soon as the players were teleported back to the lobby, Laura was in the room, arms crossed over her chest as she glared at Carmilla. "Were you a death last game?"
She couldn't keep a straight face as she tried to say, "What? Me? Nah, I'm never a death." To this Laura rolled her eyes. "Riight. If you were by chance a death, would you - I don't know - target someone?"
"Pff, no. I hate it when they do that, it's really damn aggravating when they're targeting you specifically." Carm grinned, knowing she wasn't fooling anyone. Laura narrowed her eyes and crossed the room, unexpectedly tackling her girlfriend off her chair to the sofa. She wouldn't let her get up, snuggling very very closely to hold her down. "Just because you did that we're watching a movie together. And you're not allowed to fall asleep, we're watching the whole thing."
"Oh now that's unfair!"
"Just like your gameplay," Laura smiled and kissed her mockingly. She picked up the remote and put on something neither of them would be interested in. Carmilla rolled her eyes as Laura snuggled even more into her side, doing her best to stay awake as the really boring movie progressed. She put her arm around the other girl and got comfortable herself. It wasn't long before Carm heard soft snoring coming from the smaller girl and looked down, only to find her asleep. She laughed quietly, changing the channel to something more interesting as her girlfriend slept. Looks like she'd won this round, too.

Carmilla (Hollstein) One-Shots
FanfictionDisclaimer: I don't own any music used in this writing, nor do I own the characters (This book will more than likely contain spoilers.) A collection of various randomly written one-shots for the pairing of Laura Hollis and Carmilla Karnstein, from t...