Gray and Juvia

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My face was still red as we entered the classroom from me crying. "Hey everyone" Natsu said with his big sweet grin to the class."Hey, Luce how ya feeling" which had been the only thing I had been hearing lately.

"Yes, yes she's fine, but look how big her stomach is" I slapped Natsu when he said this because after he did everyone started crowded me it made my head dizzy.

"N-Natsu" I said to him as my cheeks filled up with barf.

"OK PEOPLE BACK AWAY FROM THE PREGNANT WOMEN" Natsu screamed at our class mates.

"T-Thank you Natsu" I said as I rushed to the bathroom.

"So... NATSU WHAT IS THE GENDER OF THE BABY" everyone started questioning Natsu as I walked back to the room.

"Oh, it is a girl" I said with the biggest grin on my face.

"OOOOOOOOOOO what is the little girl's name, and can Juvia and Gray-sama be her aunt and uncle" Juvia asked as she cuddled Gray's arm, he was blushing, because he loved Juvia but didn't have the heart to tell her.

"The baby's name is Kora" I said as Natsu as he kissed me on the top of my head.

"Awwwww Gray-sama what do you think of the name" Juvia asked Gray, he just blushed, but he just looked mad, "oh, ok" Juvia said sadly and let go of Gray's arm.

"Hey, Natsu can I talk to you for just a sec" Gray asked Natsu and pulled him away from my aid.

"Yeah sure, what's up" Natsu questioned Gray.

"I think I am in love with Juvia" Gray said and blush, I heard him and rushed over to the three of them and squeezed Natsu's arm.

"What is this that I hear about LOVE" I said smirking at Gray.

"I am in love with Juvia" Gray said as he blushed once more, "I think she thinks I hate her"

"WHY WOULD YOU LET HER BELIEVE THAT" I screamed at him with slapping him, Juvia overheard our conversation and walked over to us.

"Let who believe what" Juvia asked calmly, "I heard something about love and I already know that Natsu-chan and Lucy-chan already love each other, so who does Gray-sama love"

"STOP CALLING ME GRAY-SAMA" Gray screamed at Juvia, she started crying.

"oh ok, Gray-sa~ b-bye" Juvia said as she ran down the hallway crying.

"What did you do that for YOU LOVE HER" I screamed at him and slapped him more but this time Natsu helped me.

"I know, and I do, I do love her I just don't know what to do, I just love her so so so so much.

"I know, we know, we know you love her, you just need to say something to her, you need to tell her you love her" me and Natsu said to Gray.

"Ok I will tell her" Gray said as he ran down the hall way towards Juvia, "JUVIA I LOVE YOU"

"What did you say Gray-sa~, Gray-chan, YOU LOVE JUVIA" Juvia said as she turned.

"YES I LOVE YOU JUVIA" he rand to her and kissed her passionately.

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