I Love You, Forever And Always

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   "Hey, Harry.." Niall said quietly as he glanced at him.
"What's up, Ni?" Harry replied, a smile on his face. "Are you finally pregnant?" He asked then.
And the look on Niall's face, was a clear no. The Irish boy just broke down, starting to cry..
"Woah.. Woah.. Ni? What's wrong, baby?.." He asked quickly, going to hug him then.
"Th-.. The doctor said.. Doctor s-.. Said.. I can't.. I can't get pregnant.. S-.. Something happened.." He whimpered out.
Harry just cooed quietly, nodding slowly at that. "Baby.. It's fine." He said then. He went to hug him then. "I don't care. Babies are overrated anyway. We don't need one." He said then, kissing at Niall's forehead then, and just sighing to himself again..
No baby. The thing Harry has been looking forward to, since he was a little boy. He would never have now.
That was fine, yeah.. He had Niall. That's all that mattered. The love of his life. The man he will spend the rest of his life with. The man that he's loved for over seven years. The man that Is his husband.. The man that will always be. The man he will grow old with.. The man he would die with.
He's believed that, since he was seventeen. Now at the age of twenty-four, he was still pretty sure.
"I'm really sorry.." Niall said again.
Harry shook his head quickly. "You didn't do anything. You couldn't help it. Like I said. We don't need babies anyway. We don't want them now. Waste of time." He scrunched his nose up at him.. Although Niall didn't like that either.. It's all Harry had.
"I still love you. And I always will. Ni. I love you forever and always, really." He said quietly then. Because that was also something he believed since the age of seventeen.
And he would forever believe.
Or at least that's what he thought, anyway.
"As long as.. You're happy.. Okay Harry.." Niall replied quietly then. Because it Harry was happy, then he would be. "Maybe we can get a cat?.." He offered then.
Harry smiled fondly at the blonde Irish boy. "Of course. A cat sounds lovely." He replied then. "Also, I'm always happy, as long as I have you." He cooed quietly then.
Niall just smiled fondly at his husband, going to hug him tightly. Because he was just /so/ relieved that he was okay with it all..
~A month later.~
So. Harry had finally realized how big his lie was, that he didn't want a baby. But he didn't just want any baby.. He wanted a baby that was a little bit of him, and that could continue his family tree. So, when Niall offered adoption, that was totally out of the picture!
But he still didn't tell Niall that it was a big deal at all.
He could live with this. No babies. And his DNA is just gonna die off. He is, and forever will be, the only Harry Edward Styles. As much as he wanted a little baby boy, to name after himself, and play with..
And okay! This was NOT okay. That was clear now. Not to anyone but Harry and his sister Gemma. Although, he was slowly becoming more distant with Niall.. Which worried the young Irish man.. But he accepted it. It was fine. Surely Harry just needed some time.
Harry was the sweetest guy in the world.
And when he said he loved you, he meant it.
He absolutely loved his husband. But the whole baby thing seemed to be a deal breaker.
Harry never dreamed he would want to cheat.. But he did not want to lose Niall.. But he wanted his own baby so bad. So. He may or may not have started to check out guys, way more than you should when you're happily married. But that happy little marriage was slowly falling and crashing around them. He would always check men, and see if that had what it took to carry and bare his children. If they did, he would just make a silent note to himself, that he needed someone with that quality too.. Someday.. Maybe in another life.
Since he had promised Niall so many times never to leave him..
He felt absolutely dreadful..
Surely he could still keep that promise..
As long as his husband chose to keep a close eye on him, and not to let him go out alone.
Which could only be blamed to Niall, Harry decided..

First chapter! What do you thing? I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I do ^-^ I really like writing this already!! This is the beginning, where Harry is now noticing other people, fit to maybe have babies with..
/-\ But what about Niall? Ahh...

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