Dreams of Normal

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I look up from the paper at Willow. Immediately she starts to cry and hugs me. My hands shake. I drop the paper. Willow burrows her head into my shoulder and sobs. I stare at the wall across from me. And I thought this day was going to be tough for just Willow.

It’s almost Spring. We call that our colorful season.  Our trees turn red, orange, and many other colorful shades. We don’t have flowers. The trees smell really good though. They ooze sap from pores in the tree. It's really not exactly a tree but almost exactly a tree ethier it's long thin and smells good. usually in a virety of colors from purple to red. and they usually grow to seven feet tall. Animals and others feed from the sap. It’s like the tree is a flower. Willow and I since are days are limited will go through the forests changing color to collect herbs and food. The sap makes a delicious dessert.

First I must find Solomon. That is if he is still here. So after Willow and I feel restored I take her hand and we go to Declan’s home. Willow takes with her,her little white colomos. Her colomos is a runt. Her name is Alli. Willow says it’s a good name because she’s an ally. Alli wraps her long tail around Willows arm. It comforts her. I would’ve brought mine too but when I went to get her. She was being lazy. Sometimes they’re like cats. Not in the mood for anything but sleep.

“How’s Ali doing today?” I ask. She smiles and looks at her little colomos. Then looks at me. Hr eyes still sparkle from tears.

“She’s good today,” She pauses, “ She wants us to go out to the Market today.” She makes a big smile trying to be cute. Her colomos' ears lift excitedly and she starts to lick willows face. I swear Willow taught her that.

“She said that huh?’ I look at her with a smile, “funny how she always wants what you want. Isn’t it?”

“Well she is an ally.”

I laugh. “Alright we'll go to the market." She smiles and starts to skip along the path. Were in the village down the main road toward Solomon and Declan's home.

She tries to hide her smile and says, “It was Alli who said it not me!” I laugh again.

We come upon Declan’s house finally. It’s basically a tree house. A giant one though. It’s in a acana tree.  It’s bigger than a sequoia at least a hundred feet tall. It can hold a huge house though resources here are limited. Declan’s and Solomon’s house is small compared to some. There aren’t many who are willing to take care of a house like theirs. It takes s a lot of work to repair. Wind gets really strong here so sometimes houses are almost blown away from it. And the higher a home is the worse the wind will be.  Their dad loves fixing it though. It’s like his hobby and the boys help out. It';s how they've become strong.

 “Vandara!” I turn and see Declan and Solomon. They come cheerily. Guess they haven’t seen the Wanted poster.

“Aw Alli!” Solomon picks up Willow. “I haven’t seen little Alli in a while!” He looks at Willow like a father would.  He holds up in his muscular arms and hugs her close.  Alli licks his face. He makes a weird face. Willow laughs. He’s such a blessing “How’s Alli doing?”

“She’s happy! We’re going to the Market! You should come!” Willow says cheerfully.  She looks at me and gives me the puppy dog face.

I smile. “Sure.”

“You ok?” Declan asks me. He wraps his arm around me. I lean against it. I look up at his face full of concern.

“More or less.” I reply. I move away from him not wanting to talk about anything negative. I need enjoy our time with each other. “Let’s go to the Market. “ I say and Willow jumps from Solomon’s arms and hops along in front of us.

Solomon joins my side. Declan on the other. They’re like my body guards. Solomon smiles at me. “You look pretty.”

I think back to this morning, trying not to cry over the possible loss of him. I felt like a wreck. Least I clean up good. “Thanks.” I say avoiding his eyes.

“Something bothering you?” He asks. My hand tightens on the crumbled paper in my hand. I’ll tell him later. Then look at him idiot! He can tell!

 “Nothing at all!” I say cheerfully. He raises his brows. Maybe a bit too cheerful. just walk straight and shut up.

“Well…that’s gre…that’s  great!” He stutters. He seems confused. Probably not the effect I was hoping for. Now he might worry more.

The rest of the way to The Market we’re silent. I feel the paper in my hand torturing me in my head. I’ll tell him after the Market.

We finally arrive at the Market. It’s all the way across from Declan’s and Solomon’s home. It’s a long trek but worth it. The Market is where eyeryone gets thier food. Mostly the food is  hunted things. Now that it’s turning to spring soon there will be herbs and other plantlike food.

The reason why Willow loves The Market is mostly is because they have samples of Earth food and other specialty foods. They want you to fall in love with the taste of the samples so they get more money. They did this before , the P.R.A but it's gotten worse. A couple times they've hit me with some fish in the face! What kind of advertisment is that? Am I going to love the mark it gives my face? If it wasn’t obvious I don’t really trust the sellers. I find myself voluntarily ducking when they talk to me.

Declan loves to talk. He loves to be out in public. Talking up some girl or girls. He always has a girlfriend since he was about eight. Solomon’s the opposite. Never dated. Me ethier. Relationships bore me. I have family. That’s all the love I need is from them. So he and I sit and chatt somewhere usually. not sure I'd like that now.


Note from Author: If you guys want me to continue. Let me know! Comment! Please!!!! :) And your all wonderful people for reading!!!! Thank you!

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