I Leave My Love Hidden In The Sun

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Note form Author: Sorry the last two chapters were bad but this I've been working on for awhile! SO please please please tell me what you think! It means alot for you to read! :)


We ate at the Market and went home. It was bleak. I didn't tell them about the Wanted poster. I should've... I  wish I could punish myself but what good would that do? Make me feel worse. As my guilt washes over me I start to frantically pet Aerie she looks at me wide eyed, she can sense it.



"Am I horrible for not mentioning the poster?" I ask and she looks at me her eyes say yes. My heart drops into my stomach.

"No." She says and doesn't meet my eyes. Wonderful my sister even thinks I'm horrible. 

"Willow I'm sorry I'm not mom. I'm sorry your sister's a b..." She looks at me her eyes sorrowful. 

"It's ok Kofu." She pauses and smiles at me, “She’s a what?"

"Nothing." I smile, "she's a meanie let's go with that." she laughs and hugs me, a little after she falls asleep in her bed.

In our hut there are three beds, one at the end of the room and then one on each side. Angelica's the one at the end not that matters now but  Willow gets the bed with the window. And I sleep with the wall as my company. 

I lie down and pull the fury covers up to my chin. I notice from Willows window snow is starting to fall. I close my eyes...

A field expands before me, a shadow of grey among a world of dulled red, blue and green. All around me large buildings extend into dark thunderous clouds. I shiver. Chilly air causes a sliver of my breath to be seen in the air. I look around me like a baby when it's born as if I landed on a new planet alien to me, only it appears that it's true.

Large mechanical things move in unison, moving pieces of cement onto a building high in the sky. While behind me a long expanse of pines have shadows that seem to be alive. I look up at the sky. The dark clouds warn a rain yet to come. My heart hammers. 

Where the hell am I?

I step back only to slip on mud. I slide. I curse as I sit up in the dark gooey substance. I have never felt mud before but as I look down at my legs I realize I'm covered with it. A feeling of disgust washes over me as I try to get it off my clothing. People actually wash themselves in this guck? Humans are wierd.

I stand eventually after falling again and again. It feels like dangerous ice skating. I look down again at my clothes, they're white...well were white. And something smells. I'm starting to wonder if this is mud. I hear a hoarse voice yelling in the distance. My heart starts to beat quicker as I watch for the voices owner. 

"I will kill you Vandara! You’re a bitch and I will kill you!" A man spat the words out in such fury I jump. I glanced at the pines behind me. Best thing to do is to run. I climb a short pine close to the edge; I climbed it but receded to the back. I can feel pines behind it and others brushing my back, causing harsh scratches. I wince as I push my back against the tree trying to hide. I don't know how to climb these; I'm not used to needles. Paradas trees have soft fluffy leafs covering the branches that extend into the air not like these that poke out into my gut.

I see through the dark green branches a furious angry man. At first he's just a blur of red but then I realize most of him is red. His face is a pinkish red clearly embarrassed but at the same time an unsettling patch of red covers his shirt. 

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