Prologue 1: The vampire and the Demon Child, Part one

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"Serane has weird pointy teeth.. it's scary."

"Don't play with her, child, she's evil."

"Mommy, why is she so weird?"

"Because she is the spawn of Finis."

"Everyone keeps saying mean things to her."

All the whispers and scorns hit Serane like an arrow to the chest. She doesn't have friends, and it seems like everyone hates her guts.

"Children are mean, my dear. They become crude and bully others for insecurities they themselves have. You mustn't coddle their behavior, it only motivates them." Her adopted mother holds her in her arms while petting the young girl's hair softly.

"They said I was a monster." Her voice cracks as she cries into her mothers chest.

"Because you are different. What is so bad about having pointy teeth, or looking different from those who are 'normal?' Normal is safe, normal is predictable. Be unpredictable, and you can own the world. Do not let them tell you how to live your life. The second you give in is the second you fail at living." Serane is young; barely a child of five. How could she possibly understand that her mother just gave her the exact meaning of life?

"Mommy," She begins, then becomes confused, no longer sad, or crying, her mother wipes the tears from her cheeks, admiring the beautiful chubby features. Serane smiles brightly. "Thank you mommy, I love you!" She hugs her, and kisses her daughters forehead lightly.

That was the best advice her mother ever gave her.

"Calden, please. You are an abomination. Stuck in an eternal limbo between life and death. Let us free you from that burden." A priest begs, on his knees in terror and plead.

"Never." He growls. Serane glances up at the vengeful vampire in awe, knowing her fate the moment he makes eye contact with her. She quickly trains her eyes to the ground, considering options.

"There will be only one survivor tonight. Let us see who that is, hm?" His icy hot voice echoes through the ceremonial room, producing shivers among those who dwelled inside. The first person he grabs is the priest whom first threatened him; ripping his throat effortlessly, drinking every last drop of blood in his body. Calden makes eye contact with Serane again, with a savage look in his now-red flicked eyes. "Delicious.. Who's next?" He asks, grabbing priest after priest, becoming more beastly after each body is drained dry. Next came the men, and the women. Finally, the children, until only two remained. The floor, stained with the blood of many innocents, and littered with white, cold corpses. Serane and one other young girl remained, they both stand and glare at each other. This young girl was one of the many that said rash things to her face, and pushed her around more often than necessary. Her name was Summer, but Serane called her Senni. Calden stands completely still, despite his heavy breathing and amused face. Senni grins at Serane and then at Calden, who returns a stern frown.

"Hm." He hums, moving a bloody hand to his chin, as if considering who to devour.

"Kill her! She's the only one who doesn't belong, everyone hates her! She really doesn't matter, even her mother hates her guts secretly. That's why she drinks herself to the vomiting point every night at my fathers inn." She accuses, grinning madly and snickering at her cleverness. Surely she would live. Serane growls, and forces herself on top of the young girl, choking her with one hand, and clawing at her chest and neck with her free hand. Senni screams out in agony, kicking nothing and failing at lifting Serane's grip from her throat. Her face begins to go blue from lack of oxygen, and the blood stains Serane's nails and clothing.

"What do you know, you spoiled brat! I hate your guts, do you know that? And I'll be the one to steal your last breath, and hear your choked screams! You have no idea how much this excites me!" She shouts out, laughing coldly, jabbing her hand into Senni's chest savagely, missing her heart. "Oops, I must've missed..." Her icy laugh is cut short as Calden rips her off the young girl and throws her behind him with such force it caused her wrist to break. He's had enough of watching their cat fight, and he wanted to end the poor girls suffering, even if she deserves it.

"He'll kill you anyways... because.. you don't matter!" Senni manages to choke out, coughing for air, clutching her throat. Calden laughs once and sits atop the young girl, nearly crushing her abdomen. She winces in pain, and tears roll down her cheeks. Serane sits wordlessly in a pool of mixed blood, stiring it behind her back, absent-minded with her marred hand.

"It's quite a shame. You seem so observant of her life, and yet, you missed all of the potential she holds. More in her little finger than your entire family put together. If I were any judge, you are the one who is useless to me -- anyone, really." He scolds, snapping her neck with a single gesture, wiping the hand he used as if contaminated by her very touch. "Come with me, my dear, and I can show you the potential you have yet to unlock." He slightly grins, holding out a bloody hand in front of her as she sits defenseless on the ground.

"No." She voices plainly.

"No?" He repeats, tilting his head.

"That's right. I won't come with you. I don't care that you allowed me some revenge, I will not spend time with anyone who killed a church filled with innocent people." His expression becomes confused. He grabs the back of her neck forcibly standing her, inspecting her facial features quietly.

"Fine, then I'll just force you to come with me. I dislike the attitude, but I could understand the reasoning for it." He shrugs, letting go of her neck, but grabbing her waist, throwing her over his shoulder.

Wowzas, hey all my lonely readers, long time to see, huh? Don't worry, I haven't abandoned you just yet! I've been working my fanny off day in and day out -- aside from dealing with school work :P However! This is part numero uno of Serane and Calden's Prologue, how exciting! We are inching closer and closer to the actual story every single day <3 Seranes a widdle goile, and Calden a reckless teenager, how cute! This is some of my best work, and I truly do hope you enjoy it in its dark and gory excitement and grossness heh. AND of course I cannot forget to mention that a little friendly criticism from you lovelies is ALWAYS welcome, don't be shy. ANyways, off topic.. I love you all, waffle heart atcha,
~Rep <#

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