Chapter 2 - Enter Autumn Iverson

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"That was the first time I ever killed a man," She hums quietly, entangling her fingers together nervously. Crowe makes a small grunting noise to affirm he was listening to her.

"Hand me that  parchment, will you?"

"Aye." She hands him the paper. They were traveling companions, and Autumn had promised to part ways with him once they crossed the border to Seldalen. Crowe had preferred to travel alone, but unfortunately, he has encountered a scholar -- or a woman who claimed to be one -- that feared the wilds. He zones out once more, writing down magical formulas as he sits beside the frightened woman, completely ignoring every word she said. "... and then when I confronted him, he'd denied that he even said that!" She groans on, complaining about some random topic that she'd thought up herself. The rest of her ramblings went right over his head. Most of it was irrelevant to him, but occasionally she'd say something intelligent, so he'd make sure to somewhat hear her words.

Crowe sees her as a nuisance but she liked him. The way he looked at her with this, divine way of annoyance gave her butterflies, as well as they way he spoke to himself, and occasionally, her.


Autumn shivers at her lingering feelings. "I should pay him a visit," She says to herself. "Now where was it he said he was going?" Nyvallen-

"Excuse me, I don't mean to be rude, but i'm looking for someone.." She says, tapping a strange, pale man. The group of people turn to her in curiosity. "My name is Autumn-" She stops at the sight of a fearful trio of glares.

"Long time no see, Autumn Iverson." Crowe continues to glare as their eyes meet and her face lights up with excitement. She throws her arms around his neck, causing the woman and other man to rear back a step. He pushes her off with a strained, half-frown, and she meets eyes with the woman, giving her a dirty look.

"You two know each other?" The pale man says coldly, giving Crowe a look.

"By the looks of her, she must have been his slave at some point," The woman says and then laughs with the man, grabbing a knife and fiddling with it.

"I'm his ex-"

"We traveled together for a short time when I was returning to Seldalen. Nothing more." He corrects, turning towards her. "Why have you resurfaced?"

"Am I not welcome?" She says curtly, glancing at the woman beside him yet again.

"You were supposed to leave once we crossed the border." He crosses his arms, not looking at anyone but her. Her face warms up and she glances at the man to the side of her for some kind of support.

"Don't look at me, we hate each other." He crosses his arms and she huffs in annoyance, then smiles brightly.

"I do wish you would spend some time with me, I've missed you so.." She pleads, grabbing his hands like a princess would her prince. The woman beside him raises her eyebrows and lets out a short laugh. Crowe glares at her.

"Why, brother, a pretty lady wishes your company, what ever will you do?" She says sweetly, looking at Autumn with a smile filled with pointed teeth. The man beside her catches Crowe's attention with a gaunt snort and laugh.

"Take her for a nice walk along the water, maybe then she'll catch your eye. She does have very pretty... eyes.." He says, touching for her chin, looking into her eyes with the smile of a skilled courteasan. Shame on her for becoming flustered. Crowe drops her hands.

"I'm busy. Go back to your own place." He says coldly. The woman, his sister clicks her tongue at him.

"How long do you plan on staying in the city?" Serane asks, startling Autumn. "Well, however long you plan on staying, you can stay at our estate, we have enough room for a guest, or two.." She coos, winking at Autumn. "Take her back to my home, will you, brother? I know you have nothing to do right now other than scowl at your corpses. You need to spend a little less time with a frown on your face." She says with an authority that rattled in her bones. Autumn almost felt the need to bow and kiss the strange woman's feet, had Crowe not began walking already.

"Thank you, kind lady!" She says over her shoulder, following Crowe closely, holding onto his shirt lightly. The two smile at her and wave. "Who is that?" Autumn asks finally, when they get to a main street.

Crowe ignores her question, and she looks sidelong at him. Was he angry with her? Did she interrupt something vital? There were so many questions she wished to ask him but couldn't fight her uneasiness and damn her fair skin for giving her away to them. They walked in silence through the bustling city up to a beautiful street of estates that had to belong to the most lovely and rich people of the city Each house looked enormous, with some difference in how each looked. Crowe just walked by them as if he'd seen them a million times prior, and she pouted silently at him for not letting her study each one.

About halfway down the street, they took a left, and walked shortly up a small hill, approaching a home that could not have been real. It was too beautiful to be someones home, it must have been so expensive! Her breath caught when she saw the beautiful dark stained wooden door, accented with a stained glass portrait of branches on each of the double doors. The outside entryway was marvelous enough, with all kinds of plants and archways. Even the gravel walkway was glorious. Crowe made a small noise, and opened the door for her. Once inside, she was greeted by a short, pale young woman in an elegant black outfit that signified she was the top butler of the house. She even had a red rose in her half up half down hair. Autumn could not contain the squeal she let out when seeing the interior.

"Welcome to the Boellan estate, may I take your belongings up to your rooms?" The woman asks angelically, smiling pleasantly at them. It's as if she knew they were coming here.

"Thank you," Autumn says smally, handing her bag and coat to a different person, this time a man, with blond cropped hair. He smiled at her and offered to take Crowe's overcoat as well, which he waved the man off.

"Very good," The woman says. "If you will follow me. Shall I prepare tea?" Crowe nods and the woman leads them to a separated room, with seats that even a scholar such as herself could not describe, and a few tall bookshelves full of books from history to fantasy. Crowe's sister owns this place? Who exactly, is she? "Make yourselves at home, my mistress should be  home shortly. Dinner will be in the courtyard just after dusk, I will send my Lady's manservant for you."

The butler bows slightly, and exits the room, leaving it opened slightly, incase if we wished to leave. Autumn glances at Crowe, then at the door, then back to him. He looks up from where his eyes previously rested on a book before him. "What?" He asks with no emotion. She looks back to the door once more with an excited gleam in her eyes and he sighs.

"Your sister owns this place, right? I'm not dreaming?" She asks finally, her eyes meeting his. "I hadn't even realized you had a sister!"

"Yes. This is her home. She is part of the aristocrasy in this city." He replies shortly, leaning his head back onto the head of the fancy chair.

"What are you reading?" She asks, sitting in the chair beside him reluctantly, trying her hardest not to look at the door. He looks at her arguably with some interest, then clears his throat and schools his features back into boredom.

"I'm reading a book." He states. "Do you want to have a look around the house? I'll send one of my sisters people after you with your tea." She grins happily, almost grabbing his hand, but restraining herself.

"I would love to. You don't want to come?" She stands, straightening her classic scholar's robes and heading to the door. He shakes his head and places a hand over one eye delicately. She watches him press some kind of magic into himself. He groans, as if it didn't work as well as he thought. "Well, I'll be around. I'm sure you can find me if you need me." She smiles lightly at him and he nods back. With a small grin to herself, her adventure begins. From the very start of when she got here, she memorized the way that the beautiful butler took them, and she back tracked her steps back to the front of the house. A worthy place to start.

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