First Day of School - Chapter One

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Christina's flashback

"Mommy, Daddy where are you!!" I frantically look around, but I can't with all the tubes in my hands and the mask on my face. "Shhh it's okay honey, stop moving around your Mommy and Daddy will be fine." I start to cry, and shake, from my anxiety.
The female doctor gave me a big hug, and told me everything was going to be okay.

Thirty minutes after being stuck in this cold room, I saw my Aunt and Uncle come in and they gave me a big hug and kiss. They left again to talk to the female doctor that came in earlier. Not long after that I see my Aunt crying and screaming "no" and my Uncle trying to hold back his tears. I started screaming and crying after I heard what happened. I fainted and then everything went dark...

End of Flashback

Christina's POV

"Christina, Christina get up!!!" I jump up quickly to see what's going on. "What do you want Aunt?" I scoff while yawning. "Get your lazy butt up and get ready for school!!" I wince at her screaming. "Okay, okay I'm up now May you please stop screaming my ears are sensitive." I shoot her a glare. She stomps out of my room and down the stairs.

It's been seven years since my parents died, and I've already had enough of that woman who treats me like crap. I throw on a black crop to with white lace, light blue jeans, and black vans and I start to head out the door.

But, before I can get one foot out my Uncle pulls me back with full force. "We are both going on the business trip and we won't be back in three days, If this house doesn't look brand new you already will know what comes next." I shiver just at the thought of it. "Okay uncle." I gulp as I am pushed out the door.

I put in my earbuds as I walk to the Bus Stop, and nod my head to the music. As I'm walking I see Meghan Smith, the girl who has bullied me for three years now. No one knows why she got kicked out of school for a year, and people are still trying to figure it out now. I turn my head quickly and walk fast so she wouldn't be able to see me , and I hurry up and get on the Bus.


When I walk into school alot of people look at me while they are whispering something. Being confused, I just shrug my shoulders and continue walking to my locker.

Before I could put in my last number to my combination, I am pushed and held up to my locker by the one and only Meghan Smith. " Did you miss me Smith?" I hear her laugh while she has an evil smirk on her face. "N-no." I whimper. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" I whimper and look up to meet a five foot eight girl, with jet black hair, and sea blue eyes I knew all to well.

"Why won't you leave me alone!"I shouted right in her face. "What did you say." She said with her growling at the same time."I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She shoved me to the ground and one of her friends slapped me. "That will teach you not to talk to me like that again!" She laughed loudly in my face and walked away with her friends.

I lift my head slowly and see at least fifteen people laughing at me and taking pictures. I hurry and run towards the girls bathroom, I hear footsteps behind me, thinking that I was Meghan, I run even faster. Before I can open the door I feel a firm, but gentle hand pull me back.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you Christina, and even though I don't know you I will do my best to protect you with everything I have by the way I'm Jason." He looks at me with a sympathetic face. At that moment I just cried in his chest while he held me. I felt like I could breath, and I felt like the person I once was when I was a little girl before my parents died. I don't know who this man is, but I think he will be the start of a bright future.

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