Chapter 2 - New Beginnings

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Christina's POV

Today I woke up with a smile on my face. All I could think about was Jason. His smile, his eyes, and his everything just made me want to live another day. Yesterday, when I had that "encounter" with Meghan, I felt horrible but when Jason held me it felt like ten thousand pounds of regrets were lifted off of my shoulders.

I got in the shower and got ready for school. As I was grabbing my book bag, I got a text from someone. I smiled since I thought it was Jason and hurriedly went to my phone to read it. My smile quickly faded into tears when I saw it was an unknown number. The message read: "Hey Smith don't come to school if you want to live another day >:)."

I was sobbing at that point. She wouldn't leave me alone no matter how nice I was to her. She made my life a living hell and I can't stand it!

My mind was made up. I thought that if she killed me then I would finally be able to breath and be with my Mom and Dad.
I left the house later on and headed for the bus.


I got off the bus and headed towards the entrance of the school. Out of nowhere a cloth was put over my mouth....
Then everything went black....

2 hours later

I woke up on a cold floor with dirt all over my body. I tried to scream but I realized that my mouth was covered with duct tape. I struggled for minutes trying to get out of the rope but it was no use... it was too to tight.

I saw someone coming from a distance. I couldn't really tell who it was from a distance since I didn't have time to put my contacts in. When the person came closer, I saw that it was Meghan with a weird mysterious box in her hand.

I whimpered silently when she stroked my cheek. "Aww don't worry Christina you'll be with your worthless parents soon." She pouted and laughed right in my face. I shot her a glare and she slapped me right across my face. I cried instantly.

"Don't you ever disrespect me like that again!" She took a long needle out of the box with clear liquid. She stuck it in my outer thigh and injected the clear liquid in me. At that exact moment I fell back on the ground and I was paralyzed.

I started crying because I couldn't move anything but my eyes and there was pain running up and down my body. Meghan snapped her fingers and two guys with masks on came out of a dark corner. One of them had a baseball bat and the other one had a knife.

I started praying to God to lift all of my sins from me because I knew that I wouldn't survive this. The first guy started hitting me with the baseball bat. I started crying silently.

I felt someone turn me over and rip my shirt off. Next thing I know, the second guy made a long, deep, cut down my back. Blood poured out of my body fast and I could feel my death coming closer.

I smiled internally because I would finally be able to see my parents that I missed so much.

Before my eyes closed I heard alot of shooting outside of the place that I was in. Jason ran through the door "I should have protected you!!!" Tears poured down his face as he held me.
Things went black........


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