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Simon came towards me and gave me a hug. "I will always be with you. No matter what happens I will never leave you alone. You know this right?"

"I know. So, Go and brush your teeth. You know I can't stand morning breath." I said while hugging him tightly, ignoring the fact that i am yet to finish my morning business.

I inhaled deeply and let my breath out slowly. What would I have done without him I myself don't know. I kept increasing my hold on him. I wanted to feel like this forever. This was my safe haven, Simon’s arms. My parents let me be friends with him on one condition that I will not go out like that ever again. If I want to talk to Simon, guard will go and call him as my phone doesn’t have an outgoing facility which also means that I can only receive calls. I am not even allowed to have internet or TV at home. If something ever happened to me I won’t be able to call anyone, that is for sure. I raised this issue once, the response that I got in return was unbelievable. According to them such situation can never arise as I am not going out of this house, but if ever such thing happens, I have to go to one of the guards and ask him to call them. Even Simon is not allowed to bring his phone or other gadgets here. He has to pass every time through that X-ray scanner. I never knew about this protocol until I read that Do's and Don'ts list. 

Simon chuckled, a deep chuckle which Makes my insides feel all warm and nice. "Princess, I am still in your arms. How will I go?"

"Just hold me for 10 more second. Then I am going outside." I said, clutching him as if my life was dependent on it. 

After some time I relunctantly left his arms. He looked into my eyes, to check whether I was really okay. Then went inside the bathroom. My safe haven was gone, I felt empty afterwards. Even though I am not a baby, but still for me hugs is a huge thing. I can even count the number of hugs on my fingertips I got from my family members in my 14 + years of mere existence.

I got up and went outside to the lawn, my sanctuary. Since I am living alone, this place is always eerily calm, but I always feel uneasy, anxious. There are two places where I like to spend my time. One is garden and the other one is my art room. My parents hardly ever came home after that Incident when I was three year old. If ever I was in trouble, which I rarely ever was, then they used to come. They never once shouted at me. When I was four years old. I thought, if I will get into some trouble they will come, as I knew that was the only time when I felt their love. But soon enough I realized that if they don't love me, there is no point in rebelling. I am 14 years old now. I am not that girl anymore who wants her parents attention. I am home tutored by a lady called Nicole. She never asks anything about my parents. She just comes and sits with me for 5 hours in morning and teaches me Maths, English, History, Geography and Arts. During my morning session with Nicole, Simon is not allowed inside. He can come after she goes from this place.  Initially Simon was not allowed to stay here after 8 pm. As I reached 10 years of age, I started showing little signs of depression. So they striked off Don’t allow Simon after 8 pm from the Do’s and Don’ts list. After that he rarely ever went home for staying at night. One day I asked him that why his parents have no problem with him staying here. He told me that he himself was surprised that his parents had no objection. This was a peculiar behavior which I didn’t expect from his parents. His parents were doctors. They were really very close to each other as Simon was their only child. I had also gathered there closeness by the loving look that Simon has whenever he talks about them. I have never had the opportunity to meet them, as the only time I went to his home, they were not there.

"What are you thinking?" Simon asked which startled me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing much. I am just thinking about my parents." I said sadly. 

"You are thinking too much. Everything will be fine. Your parents love you. I can see them in their eyes. It is just that they have work to do. It is not that they can leave their work and stay here permanently." he responded softly.

I don't think so. They think sending gifts for me and this big lonely mansion will make me happy. Even my brother has started giving me gifts now. I wish I could ask my parents why did they give me birth if they are going to treat me like a prisoner and a stranger.

"I know what you are thinking. See it this way. Why will they provide so much security? It is because they love you. They even let me be friends with you." he uttered looking me straight in the eye.

Leave it to Simon, for making me feel better. I gave him a small smile. There is no point in making him sad.  Before I could change the subject, he himself altered it.

"I want you to make my portrait." he cajoled

"Ok. Let's go to my art room." I said cheerfully. Just the thought of art room makes me so happy.

I told him to sit on the couch.

I started with my charcoal pencil on the paper. I took one look at his face. His face was a bit round in structure, white tanned skin. His eyes were brown in color, unlike mine which were greenish blue in color, he had some light freckles on his nose, a perfect shaped nose and had a flabby stomach. He was wearing yellow mickey mouse shirt and trouser. He was really cute looking. My chimpanzee.

After 25 mins his portrait was done.

“Come here and take a look” I said excitedly.

He literally jumped out of couch and happily sat beside me. “It is very difficult to sit still.” he uttered honestly.

His eyes literally bulged out of the socket as he looked at his portrait.  “Wow! Unbelievable!” he looked up at me with little sadness. “You know had your parents allowed you to attend my school, you would have become really famous not because you are the daughter of a very rich man, but because of your amazing skill. You are an incredible person." he paused for a second and then continued "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. People like you are such a rare commodity. You have changed my life in so ma-”

I chose that moment to cut him off as I didn’t know where he was going with this. One thing I was sure was that I was about to cry and I didn’t want to do that for the second time in a day “I am not a commodity.”

He understood, like always. So he asked "When are you going?"

"You won't believe what happened. My brother said someone is coming to pick me up in two weeks." I said still not quite believing what I had heard. Something must have prompted them to take such a decision.

"It is very strange. Are you sure you don't know him?" he asked seriously

"Yes. I am 100% sure." I confirmed

Simon looked thoughtful for a moment "I think your parents are really trying to bridge the gap between your relations. That is why they are sending someone else this time. You will have at least one more person in your friend list."

“I don't think so. I think they are sending someone so that I will have one less reason for hating them."I contradicted his reasons.  

Tack, the security head came inside and narrowed his eyes at Simon "Your mom is calling you. Go home." He barked in a hostile tone.

Tack had this habit of talking down to him. Why does he always behave like this? These people should really loosen up a bit.

Simon didn't like talking back to him. He just nodded. He turned his head towards me and whispered "I will call you. If it is important, I will have to stay there tonight. I will see you tomorrow." Then he got up. He looked again at me and said."Take care princess." Then he turned and walked graciously out of that room.

Then I looked at the paintings around me. There was one portrait of my parents hanging on the white wall. Next to that was one of Sammy. When I started with his portrait, the entire time he was fidgeting. I still managed to draw him. At the end he said that this is the only sketch that I will ever get of him as sitting still is a very stringent task.

The conversation we had today was so strange at so many levels.

Zach? Who is he? Is he my parents relative? If not then what did he do to earn my parents trust?

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