Bikinis and Milkshakes

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Before reading this chapter it would probably be better if you check out my chapters;

- Hidden Identity
- Meet Sam Hart Raymond: Cool, Calm and Collective

Just because it may refresh your brains on Brittanys side of the family. Sam and her family is included as it was Sams actual real life birthday today. Haha. Happy birthday!

Ok so I will shut up now and let you read the story....

18th December, 2029
Trevor POV
The months fly by and soon enough it's the start of December. Our entire family were staying at Bora Bora for Christmas with mine and James's family. It was a treat for all of us as it was welcoming Pat into our family and also Sams new baby she had about 9 months ago. She had a girl whom she named Charlotte. She's absolutely adorable. Sam is bringing along her daughter which is out niece called Chloe and then out nephew Max as well as her husband Mike and the new addition. Trevor is the youngest of two older brothers too so his eldest brother Stephen is married to Zoe and they have three kids also Sophie (10), Caitlin (8) and Cameron (7- same age as Riley and Chloe). Trevor's other brother Matt also has recently just married and his wife is pregnant with their first child. My mum and dad and Trevor's mum
And dad as well as our family are also going too which will be fun just to have 10 days to ourselves- as a family. Without a camera flashing in our faces every two seconds.

The kids haven't actually met Trevor's side of the family. They are very distant as they live in L.A. They are more close with my sisters kids as we see them not a lot but enough for them to be able to know them. I think Riley has met Sophie, Caitlin and Cameron but the other haven't. Definitely not Patrick. The last time we saw them was Christmas when Riley was like 4.

"RILEY!!" I scream as I finish vacuuming. All of a sudden I have felt really exhausted. I don't even know if I have too many kids or what but I always feel so tired- all the time now
"YES MUM!!" She screams from her room. I can't believe she's 7 already?!?
"Have you packed. We leave not tomorrow morning but the day after at 4am. You need to be ready sweetheart" I tell her and she runs down the stairs
"Where's James?" She asks, ignoring my statement. I breathe heavily and look around
"Daddy took them to the park as I needed some down time. It's ok for you to stay though Ri. You're quiet and you don't disturb me. But are you going to pack gorgeous? Pink spotty bag..." I instruct and she smiles
"Bikini?" I giggle and nod my head
"YAY!! Swimming!" She squeals and I laugh as she runs to her room
"Baby?" I ask after her her
"Yeah" she comes running back down the stairs.
"What do you say to a girls afternoon shopping trip?" I ask her and her face lights up
"Yes mummy!! But can we invite Aunty Alex and Em too?"
"Of course we can! I'll text them and you go get ready. Coat and boots as it's quite chilly out there today" I warn her and she giggles, running off to get changed.

"Hey babe. Me and ri are going to the shops to get some thing to wear for Bora Bora. We'll be back by say 4? U need anything?" I text Trevor and soon get a reply
"Some shirts and sunnies please. Have fun Britt. Love you. Looking forward to our holiday. We can spend some alone time maybe 😉" he texts and I laugh at his comment
"We'll see.... 😘😘" I reply and I switch my phone off and onto the phone, dialing Alex's number

"Hey Britt" she says and I smile
"Hi! I was wanting to know if you and Em would like to join me and my cute little daughter on a girly shopping trip. We'd be back by 4?" I offer and I hear a pause before she replies
"We're in. We'll pick you up too. See you in 10" she speaks and I smile
"Great. Bye!" I say and hang up.
"Ok mummy I'm ready!!" Riley squeals coming down the stairs
"Ok let's make a list shall we beautiful?" I ask her and she smiles nodding her head
"Of course"
"Ok so:
- bikini. One for you and me and Emma.
- we need sunglasses for everyone
- towels for everyone
- pool inflatables. We can bring in another suitcase and daddy can blow them up and you can use them.
- flip flops for everyone
- sundresses for us girls

Anything else Ri?" I ask her and her face lights up seeing the list.
"No. Sounds perfect mummy!! I can't wait to see Chloe again. It's going to be so fun" she laughs and I smile as we hear what sounds like a horn beep twice. Must be the girls. Riley gasps grabbing the list as I grab my wallet and phone and my handbag as we both run out the door and to the car

"Hello beautiful ladies" Alex says as I pop my seatbelt in and slam the door shut.
"Hey Alex. Hi Emily. How are it sweetie?" I ask as Alex sets off to the mall
"Good thanks Aunty Brittany"
"That's good." I say smiling as we drive.

"This one?" I question as I step out of the change room to see the three girls outside waiting for me. I'm wearing a light blue and gold bikini and their mouths all in sync drop open as soon as I step out and show them what it looks like on me.
"James is going to want you even more in that thing. Girl that looks good on you!!" Alex says and I smile turning to the two littler ones. Riley is in her pink and white polka dot one, she loved it as soon as she saw it. We are getting that one as well as the exact same one for Emma just in a smaller size. It's adorable.
"I love it mummy!! Like daddy would say- it looks really hot on you babe" she says and I blush. She actually pays attention to our conversations. Better watch what I say a bit more now 😁

"Ok ok sweetie. I like this too. I'll get this one than we can get a milkshake and a coffee. It's already 3:30"'I tell them going back into the change room, as does Riley in the one next to me as we take our bikinis off. Alex and Emily have already got theirs for the season but they are going away later next year so they don't need a big trip now. They just need new clothes which I totally understand. That's why I invited them to come with us.

"Milkshake flavor Riles?" I ask her and she giggles
"Strawberry!!" She sequels and I laugh
"Ok then and one small strawberry milkshake thanks" I ask the man and he smiles
"Hey! You're Brittany Raymond!!" The man notices and I smile
"And you're Alexandra Beaton! Oh my gosh my daughter love you two." He says and I smile, giving him the money.
"We can sign something for her if you want?" I offer and he smiles
"You would really do that for her?" He asks sort of surprised and we nod, getting Emily and Riley to stay with us as they drifted away from the coffee shop here
"Of course not!! Here we'll sign this napkin and then take a selfie and tag your daughter it you if you have Instagram in the photo and dedicate to her especially. On both of our accounts?" I ask the man and he thanks us before handing us a sharpie. We sign on the napkin before he gives us the name of his daughter on Instagram
"She is going to love this. You guys are so sweet. Thank you!" He says kindly and I smile
"Not a problem!! Girls. Stay here please. Not long to go. Here have your milkshakes while you wait" I say handing them to her as I get the camera ready. Me and Alex take one and then post it tagging @crystalmclean in the photo which was the mans daughters name

"Got a wonderful coffee from a wonderful man at #Starbucks today. Shoutout to an adorable fan of ours @crystalmclean who is very lucky to have a dad who serves such great mcoffee!! Thanks for watching the next step sweetie. You're awesome!! #LuckyToHaveAFanLikeYou #Shoutout #AmazingGirl @albeaton xxx"

And then hit post. So far.......this shopping trip is amazing. I don't know why but the media annoy me so much. But when it comes to fans I can't be more happier to meet them. It feels amazing to have so many people love what you're talented at. See what you love what you do. It's such an unreal feeling. And I couldn't be more grateful for it....

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