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• There is a brand new cover on this book I made today. It's very different o know but please comment and tell me what you think about it please.
• My book with jiley_TLA . If anyone read her updates she has been on hospital hence why she isn't on Wattpad but I may be able to update Combination Highway for you if I can but because of exams and stuff I am extremely busy. Stay tuned for more updates though because there will definitely be a Chapter 1 coming soon xxx

Now. On with the story :)

Victoria POV
Today we are going to the doctors office. We are just going to make sure that I am pregnant and we are having our third child and if it's healthy so far and whatever. We have just dropped the kids off at their Nannas place which is my parents and they are staying there while I get the ultrasounds. Isaac wasn't fussed on them coming as most parents don't care but I did because I know that Maddie would ask the most if you'd day 'interesting' things while we were there so I refused and let my mum and dad look after them. I know Riley was especially excited because mum and dad have a dog and my brother Josh who is 34 has a wife and one child called Abigail who is Maddies age and they are also going so she's desperate to see them. Probably to she off her new husband.

"You nervous babe?" Isaac asks as he switches keys and gets out of the car, locking it as we walk in.
"Yeah a bit nervous actually." I admit and he smiles giving me a kiss on the cheek and a side hug as we walk through the entrance of the doctors.
"Oh my god that's Victoria and Isaac" we hear a kid whisper
"MICHELLE!!" Another one says. They probably think we can't hear them.
"Oh my god Victoria baldesarra is standing right next to me!!" Another little girl says. They must be all sick too. The poor things. At least I made their day!

"Hi, my names Victoria Baldesarra. I'm here for an ultrasound" I say quietly as I don't want many people to know although the room buzzes from complete softness to loudness as soon as we said it. Great. They probably know now.
"Just take a seat and Dr. Newman will be with you shortly" the receptionist says and I smile sitting down with Isaac next to me and another little girl who can't stop smiling.
"Hello!!" I say turning to her and her smile widens from ear to ear.
"OH MY GOSH!!!" She says and I smile as she has a completely fangirl moment.
"I'm actually talking to Victoria. The actual Victoria!!" She squeals and I smile as she pulls out a piece of paper.
"Would you like me to sign this?" I ask her and she giggles. I turn to Isaac and smile while he gets asked to sign too.

"What's your name?" I ask her and she looks at me and smiles even more.
"Skye" she says and I laugh. I love that name. It's so so beautiful" I compliment before i quickly sign the paper and give it back to the girl.
"Thank you!!!! So so so so much. I love you. You're so pretty and you're an amazing dancer. Michelle is just my favorite" she says and I immediately feel tears coming along.
"How sick exactly are you?" I ask the girl about 10 years of age. She shrugs
"Oh. I'm not here for me. I'm hear for my sister she has a sore throat. I'm not very sick" she says and I smile
"That means i can give you a hug because you are just the sweetest thing ever" I say leaning in towards her as she gasps smiling so hard now. I laugh at her freakish 'moment' before she pulls away from the hug.
"Is it true you are having a baby?" She whispers and I nod slyly and she gasps
"Another one?" She asks and I nod slowly
"But you can't tell anyone ok? Our secret!" I ask her to promise me as Isaac leans over my shoulder smiling
"Does Brittany know?"
"Yes. She was the first too"
"What about Eldon?" I laugh
"He was the second" I say and she smiles
"Hey actually I've got a good idea. You good at selfies? Do you have Instagram?" I ask her and she smiles taking our her iPhone 18 and I giggle.
"Ok well I'm going to take a selfie on here and then post it, tagging you, announcing that I'm having a baby ok? Sound like a plan?" I ask her and she grins
"YES YES YES YES. Sounds awesome!!" She squeals and I laugh as I pull out my phone and snap one of us smiling
"Perfect! I'll post it now" I say as I look up at the nurse
"You're next" she mouth and I smile nodding at her as I watch the lady opposite is get up and walk in. I turn to Isaac who is still smiling while the girl squeals loudly to her mum.

"Met this amazing young girl @sparklyunicorn24 today at the doctors office where she 'accidentally' overheard me asking for an ultrasound. She asked if I was pregnant and to confirm all the rumors going around, yes I am having a baby and me and Isaac are super excited and cannot wait to have number 3. Thank you so much for all the support, world wide. We cannot wait until it arrives! Xx #9MonthCoutdown #BabyNumber3 #WorldwideAnnouncementOnDay2 #SkyeYoureJustTooAdorable #Blessed @isaaclupien @sparklyunicorn124"

And then I posted it as I heard pretty much the entire office's phone go off as they read the post and stared at me with wide eyes. I never knew they all got updates from me firstly and I secondly on day two I really let my secret blow.

I guess that's what being a celebrity is......

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