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I'm SO sorry about the later updates. I had a friend over for a sleepover last night and I can't really write while she's here sorry! I promise this is returning. On my birthday which is in 4 days (nearly 3) days time 😃😃😃😃😃😃🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I will update a special one. For me, this time of year is extremely busy. My brothers bday was today and my sisters is the day before mine so it's really hard to update but I love writing for you guys so I'm going to try my absolute hardest.

Enjoy 💛💛💛

~ Oh btw make sure you listen to We Go when you're reading this. SUPER important 😃

Brittany POV
I'm really confused right now. He said he has 'other plans.'
"What do you mean?"
"I mean...." He looks around and turns to me. "Just wait here" he says giving me a peck on the lips. I giggle at his disorganisation and then just lay there touching my bump of 4 weeks gently just thinking.

All of a sudden I see Ri walk in. I look up.
"Oh hi" I say and she climbs up and sits on me and Trevor's bed with me.
"Hey mommy" she says. Nothing else.
"Sweetie do you mind telling me what's going on?"
"Well. This time 10 years ago you and dad got married"
"Yep that's right" she says and then there's complete silence. Again.
"Riley. What's going o---" I start to say but am interrupted by this sound.
"What is that?" I ask standing up and going to my window in our room. I laugh. There is a band playing me and Trevor's characters song from the next step; We Go. I smile to myself before turning back to Riley.
"He did all this didn't he?" I say to he softly and she nods before running out of my room. I quickly do my hair before running out of the room myself.

I walk down the stairs, still weary of what he is going to do to me. At the bottom of the stairs there is our lounge room. It's completely decorated with our characters first date set up- the exact replica of James and Riley's First Date in Episode 19 of The Next Step. I feel tears running down my eyes before I am met with Trevor.

"You amaze me and make me crazy too. There's a feeling, deep in my bones. My tongue is tied but it always feels like I'm home. My palms are sweaty, my mouth is dry. It only happens with you and now I know why" the lyrics come on and before I know it the song ends. Everyone in the room claps (mainly my kids) before it's silent again and Riley, James, Emma and Pat all leave the room.
"Happy Anniversary Brittany Lynn Raymond" he says and I just stand there grinning like an idiot in admiration.
"I love you so much" I say softly, my voice deeply cracking as I pull him in for a tight hug, lasting for around 15 seconds.
"I love you too" he whispers before pulling away.
"So" I sniffle, wiping away the tears.
"What's all this?"
"Well I got you a gift. And a breakfast. Which one do you want first?"
"The gift" I giggle and he smirks.
"Ok then you're so cute you know that?"
"Hahaha yes" I chuckle and he laughs before handing the wrapped small present to me.
"You've already got your engagement ring, wedding ring, infinity ring and all those other ones you wear so I decided to give you something more.....significant. This is only part 1 btw" I look up from unwrapping
"How many parts are there?" I ask kind've looking alarmed.
"There's this one, the practical part and then the one later tonight" he winks and I laugh
"Yes. Of course" I giggle as my mind turns to that before I continue unwrapping.
"Oh my god" I say and he smiles.
"Its custom made babe. You're the first person in the entire world to get this"
"Trevorrrrr" I groan.
"You really shouldn't have. How much did this even cost?" I ask looking at it closer.
"Brittany. I don't care if this was a dollar or if was a billion- I love you. This is our anniversary and I can't not give you the best present ever." He says as I put it on.
"You're the best" I say and he laughs
"Yes" he says proudly "yes. I am"
"Thank you for the whole music thing top Trev. That was so sweet" I say and he smiles, leaning in for a kiss.
"The kids wanted to see it so I let them watch it then scooted them away" I say and he chuckles
"Sounds like the one I married" he says and I smile and look deeply into his eyes before glancing down at my present.

It's a bracelet that's chunky but not really and it has a glass screen on the top that displays photos/memories of your life so far. There are so many Trevor has already put on there and they are so sweet. I admire for a little longer, Trevor obviously catching my eye. I look up at him.
"I really love this. Thank you" I say kissing him. He kisses me back.
"Happy Anniversary baby."
"X2" I say and he chuckles moving down to my stomach and kissing it.
"Ok well you have two parts cause there's my present and what's later tonight" I say and he winks again making me giggle.
"Come on. We'll go and get it" I say and he already looks confused.
"Yeah!" I say leading him into the kitchen.
"Ok close your eyes." I say and he laughs
"Should I be able to trust you?"
"Yeah. Yeah totally" I say with my fingers crossed. I lead him all the way to the end of the house, revealing his blind fold once we get to the end outside room. His face just lights up as soon as he see what I've gotten for him.

A brand new car.

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