Baby in a Box

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Vincent walked home after another night at work, yawning. He hated night shift. But it was the only time he got to see Scott, the newest target of his affections. And by affections, it wasn't just sexual attraction... though he did have a reputation of sleeping around. He was pretty sure he'd found someone he truly loved.

As he got to his doorstep and pulled out his keys, his foot bumped against a strange box. Funny, he hadn't remembered buying anything... A piece of paper was attached, which he picked up and read it under the dim glow of the porch lights.

Dearest Vincent,

This is Mahogany. That girl you had a one-night stand with at a motel? Yeah. Anyways, I know how many girls (and guys!) you've slept with. I think it's time you take some responsibility for you actions.

P.S.: Your pullout game is weak.

Vincent cursed under his breath.

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