"You Aren't A Moron."

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Dear Wheatley,

Hey, I really hope this thing is finally working, I really do. But if not, I'll just be trying another poor attempt to reach out to you. But, if it is working, I just want to say thanks. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you and thanks for always filling in the silence that there usually would've been if you weren't there. But before I even get into that, I'm going to just say that if you do still hate me for what I did, which I am sorry for, then, like I said, I just wanted to say sorry for that. I honestly hardly even knew what I was doing or thinking and I'm just really sorry.

And another thing, you aren't a moron. Something I've sorta been trying to tell you. Believe me, you were smart, just pretty unlucky. Also, I will admit, I'm gonna miss having you around here. In Aperture, you seemed a little fitting, but I know that you would absolutely adore being out here and free. Which reminds me, I am free. She let me escape and now I'm free and living in a really small, and kind of abandoned town.

Also, I thought you might want to know, I was really upset and angry after she destroyed you the first time. I was on the verge of tears by the time she sent me down into the chambers. I was just so upset that the only friend I had was taken away and I was so happy when I saw you again...

Oh my goodness I'm crying again. I'll be back.

Alright, after a day, I'm finally back. Sorry for that, but I just thought about how you were taken away again and it just gave me the exact same emotions. And I sound like a baby now don't I?

And another thing, sorry for not catching you before. I really did try, but at least you had the courage and bravery to leap off of it in the first place. And that reminds me, I was so happy when you actually did that because I knew that you trusted me.

So, how's space? Lonely, I imagine. After being in Aperture, I hoped nobody in the world would feel as isolated as I was. Thankfully, you're not in the world, so I was right. (That was a joke by the way.) I hope somehow, someday, you fall out of space so you can live happily for once. Who knows, maybe she'll come back for you and test you or something.

Anyway, to recap: Sorry for a lot of things and I really hope you can forgive me for them. And I really hope you can send back, but the odds are pretty slim. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this, Wheatley, and don't get hit by a meteor.


P.S: I'm broadcasting this to space for you, so you could get it a number of ways:

1. A transmitter that we're sending up

2. The file is automatically stored into your memory banks (I was told this is most likely what will happen.)

3. The file may also have a slight chance of being stored into one of your friends' memory. I hope that doesn't happen, I've spent nearly an hour writing this altogether.

<<Sent from Daytown's broadcast station>>

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