An Extra Present

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Ashley's Point of View


I held my fiancée's hand as he went through what was possibly the most painful thing he had ever done. He groaned and tears fell down his face. I wiped them away and kissed his forehead.

"I'm here baby. Everything's gonna be fine."

He screamed as another contraction hit him. He squeezed my hand and pushed hard. Watching him do this broke my heart, he was in pain and it was my fault. I also knew he was terrified, the baby was two months early. It was something we had been dreading. It had been a big fear for Andy and now it was happening. He stopped pushing and lay still, crying.

"Come on, Andy. You can do it."

He shook his head. "No, I can't. I'm too weak, Ashley. I can't do this."

I looked into his eyes and kissed his forehead. "Yes, Andy, you can. Keep going you're nearly there."

The midwife looked at him. "He's right. Get the head out and then you have one more push. I'd say about three more hard pushes and you can meet your baby."

He screamed and pushed. I could tell by the look on his face he wanted this over. The midwife smiled.

"The head's out. Well done. One more push and you have your little elf."

He nodded and whimpered. He pushed again.

"Come on, baby, I'm so proud of you, keep going."

Suddenly, we could here crying. Andy whimpered in relief. The midwife turned and started cleaning our little baby.


"Yes, baby?"

"I still want to push. It doesn't feel right."

I turned to the midwife. "Is it normal for him to still want to push?"

She frowned, handed me our baby boy and then sat down. "Andy, push again for me, sweetheart."

He pushed, moaning in pain.

"Looks like you two are having twins."

Andy look shocked and at the same time, petrified. I sat next to him.

"It's ok, sweetie. Just the same as last time."

He looked at me, trust in his true blue eyes. He pushed and I carefully took his hand. His screams of pain made my heart wrench and I swallowed my the lump in my throat.

"That's it, baby. Keep going. You're doing so well."

He cried and pushed again. The midwife glanced at me. "The head is out but the shoulders are stuck. He needs to push harder."

Andy looked at me, having heard everything. The look of terror on his face made me want to cry.

"Push harder, honey. It's nearly over."

He nodded and cried out in pain. We heard crying again and I smiled down at my Bright Eyes. He had done in. The midwife cleaned up the second baby and called someone through to clean Andy up.

"Twin boys." I smiled down at my fiancée as he held our second son.

He looked at me. "I have the perfect names."


"Dennis Andrew and Ashley Junior."

I smiled. "Biersack-Purdy."

He nodded and I leant down and kissed him. I had Andy and our two gorgeous little boys. Perfect. I lay on the bed next to him and he leant against me. I kissed his forehead and we fell asleep.


We both jolted awake to find Ashley's parents at the end of the bed. He smiled.

"Ma, Pa. What are you doing here?"

"The hospital called us and told us Andy had the babies early. We rushed up."

A nurse put her head around the door. "Mr. Biersack, you can leave now."

I packed Andy's things as I chatted with my parents. Even through all the happiness, I could see the sadness in Andy's eyes. I knew he wanted his own parents...

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