Chapter eight

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 "The Maker," Kyla breathed, her eyes wide with awe. The man shook his head with a smile. "No," he corrected her gently. Kyla cocked her head, not understanding. "I am Gabriel," the man told Kyla, "first Angel to The Maker." Kyla nodded awkwardly. "Sorry," she apologized, lowering her eyes, "I just thought the first person I'd see when I died was The Maker." Gabriel shook his head. "Well that's your first mistake," he smiled, "you are not dead." Kyla said nothing, simply looking at Koda for an explanation. "When Lucifer took you to his kingdom," Koda asked Kyla, "were you dead?" Kyla shook her head. "No," she replied. Koda nodded. "Same thing here." Gabriel nodded in agreement. "Then how did I get here?" Kyla demanded, feeling as though there were things she should have already known. Why didn't she know? Were these Angels hiding something from her? Gabriel read her face. "We are hiding nothing from you. You walked here with Lucifer, climbed the stairway, broke down the gates, massacred our kingdom and went to find and kill The Maker." Gabriel smiled as if the answer was simple and easy. Kyla shook her head, horrified. "No!" She exclaimed with a mortified expression, "I would never do seething like that! That isn't like me, there is no way that happened!" Koda just stared. "But you did," he told her, confused as to why she was not taking responsibility, "Kyla if you are ashamed just say so. You didn't know what you were doing," Koda told her earnestly. Kyla shook her head, scrunching her eyebrows in confusion. "It's okay," Koda continued. Gabriel gave a small laugh as he cut in. "Koda she doesn't remember." Koda gave a concerned glance at Kyla, listening to the older angel, "we'd be lucky if she remembered anything." Kyla looked around. "I am sorry if I did anything wrong," Kyla apologized softly, "but I only remember bits and pieces of things. Why is that?" She looked at Gabriel for an answer. He seemed to know more about what was happening to her. Gabriel smiled politely. "You are good," he replied to her apology, "and to answer your question," Gabriel sat down next to her, "Lucifer gave you Laventine, it's a poison that dilutes your mind, takes over and subjects you to the will of whoever made you drink it. So you have been in the obedience, basically slavery of Lucifer for the last five days." Koda shook his head. "I thought it was six days," he corrected with a confused look. Gabriel cocked his head thinking. "Maybe you're right," he thought out loud. Koda nodded, thinking more, "because I took two more days getting here, so-"

"That's not important." Kyla cut them both off impatiently. They went silent. "Lucifer used me to take over the higher kingdom?" They both nodded simultaneously. "How is that possible? I'm just me," Kyla pointed out as if it was obvious. Koda smiled a little. "We'll catch you up," he promised. "But first you have to go outside. Now," Gabreil ordered. Kyla shook her head, confused as they shoved her outside the door. "Remember not to think too much!" Gabriel called. Koda nodded as he began to shut the door. "Believe in yourself," he added, "don't be afraid, and choose what is right." Kyla tried to speak as he finished, "only you can do this. Emphasis on you can do this." Koda shut the door and locked it as Kyla asked helplessly, "what am I supposed to do? What is going on?" There was no reply.

"Kyla, baby," Eli appeared from behind her. He snatched her into his arms and kissed her, hard and rough. Kyla slapped him. "What was that for?" He exclaimed, shocked and stunned. Kyla punched his jaw as he yelped, stumbling backwards. "What's wrong with you?" Eli yelled. He looked at her innocent glare, and his face grew hard. "So they cured you, did they?" He began to walk towards Kyla, backing her into the wall. "That was a bad choice on their part," Eli gripped Kyla's throat with his tight fist, keeping her from breathing. "Oh, Kyla," he gently taunted, "I loved you so much. It's a shame you have to die like this." Kyla closed her eyes, trying to block out the pain. Eli watched with joy, his eyes burning with hate like a fire. "You know," he continued, "you were different. You were actually someone that could have been great. Oh well." Kyla shook her head, her brain screaming to fight back. Kyla pretended to faint, her body slumping against his feet. Eli released his hold, and knelt down beside her. He leaned in and kissed her cheek sweetly, leaving her to die with her crushed throat. As Eli  walked away, Kyla rose dangerously. "Going somewhere?" She asked, as he spun around. Eli just stared. "Yeah," Kyla began to walk up to him, "I'm still here." She kicked his stomach, sending him to the floor, and took off running. Kyla had no idea how to fight, and whatever Lucifer had her do she didn't remember. Eli struggled to his feet, and sprinted after her. "Kyla is back," he yelled to any Angel that might have heard him, "and she is pretty good at whatever she is doing!"

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