Chapter 2: The Plane

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    A plane flew across the sky, clouds flickered past the plane's windows and a bright sunlight shone into the comfortable interior unaware of the dismal topic going on inside.

"How is the UNSUB killing his victims," Morgan asked.

"The coroner's report from all four victims says they were strangled." Prentiss flipped through the coroner's report. "From the pattern of bruising, it looks like the UNSUB strangled them using his hands."

"This UNSUB abducts these women on the way to their cars," Morgan said. "And then he strangles them using his hands. He's got to be pretty physically fit. These women were all high risk victims, they easily could have fought back and escaped."

"He's probably stalking them," Prentiss said. She tucked back a few loose strands of dark hair that had escaped her ponytail.

"What makes you think that?" Rossi asked. He looked up from his notes, squinting as the sunlight hit him squarely in the eyes.

"They were all abducted on the way to their cars," Prentiss explained. "Three from the same gym and two after work.

"And no witness," Reid added. "The UNSUB would have had to follow his victims to learn their daily routines. We know he's patient and has a job that allows him time to follow his victims. Is there any footage from the gym or parking garages?"

"Well, mon cheris, I'm sorry to disappoint. But there isn't any footage from the gym nor from the parking garages," Garcia said. Her blonde, crazy hair and smiling face appeared on the computer screen as her bright, bubbly voice filled the plane's cabin.

"Why isn't there any footage?" Reid asked. "93% of all business in Minnesota have some kind of video surveillance."

"How do you know that?" Morgan asked. His tone was incredulous. "You don't even live anywhere near Minnesota."

"Garcia?" Hotch interjected as Reid opened his mouth to reply.

"It's broken," Garcia pouted. "So either the bad guy knew it wasn't working or got lucky."

"Cross check the employees from the gym with those that work at Hill Lake Community College or attend it. Check former employees or students for both," Hotch said. "Also check if there is any footage from outside the parking garage or any of the surrounding businesses."

"Will do." Garcia said with a bright smile, "I'll let you know when I find something." Her face disappeared from the computer screen, replaced by the F.B.I emblem.

"When we land, Morgan and Reid, go to the latest crime scene. Prentiss and Rossi, go and talk to the roommate and look at Abbey's room. JJ and I will go to the police station and talk with the families of the victims," Hotch said. "For now everyone try and get some rest. I highly doubt we'll be getting any until this is over."

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