The Butterfly Effect: 1 Year Ago

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There was a bitter chill in the air that night. I remember the cold well, and how I'd draped my jacket over my legs to keep them warm. I was curled up in the living room, my feet tucked firmly under my butt. A half empty glass was positioned on the table beside me and I was half way through The Hobbit. Even though I loved the story, my mind had been wandering that night. Stuck between wanting to hang out with Josh, Chris, Hannah and Beth or just enjoying the time away from the rest of the world.

"Just because he's class Prez doesn't mean he belongs to everyone... Mike is my man." I turned on the couch as the biggest portion of our group came in.

Jess and Emily, the biggest pains in the ass you would ever come across. Of course followed by our fearless class president, ever popular school hottie, and my older brother, Mike. Tailing them was Samantha, probably one of the nicest people I'd ever known. Though despite that, I'd never been able to get along with her. Last was Ashley and Matt, whom I was generally shocked to see around people like Emily and Jess.

"Hey Em, I'm not anybody's man."

"Whatever you say darling..." Emily chortled back at Mike as they headed toward his room. My gazed landed on Sam as she side stepped the group and headed up the stairs. My eyes followed her until she disappeared through a door. I turned my attention back to my book. Once again attempting to focus on the story.

"Hey... Did you see that?" Beth's voice came faintly from the kitchen. "Dad said it'd just be us this weekend. Josh?"

I slipped my book marker into the center of my book before placing it on the couch and sliding my jacket over it. I swung my feet from under my butt and down to the floor so I could lace up my boots. I stood, stretching as I did. My pony tail brushed against the back of my neck, I'd pulled it up sloppily so lose strands of dark brown hair framed my face as they fell out of their elastic binding. Rubbing my hands together to get some warmth I shuffled into the kitchen.

"See what Beth?" I asked. She looked up at my voice.

"I think I saw someone outside, just a minute ago." She looked at me concerned. I headed for the window across the room. Peeking outside I couldn't see much other than trees, snow and darkness. I squinted, attempting to see something that even resembled a person outside.

"It's too early for you to start seeing things isn't it?" I asked turning away from the window so I could lean against the counter. Beth seemed more focused on a sheet of paper on the counter. I cocked my head to the side and folded my arms.

"What did our naive sister get herself into now..." Beth mumbled.

"Hmm?" I stepped away from the counter and reach for the paper. Beth passed it to me without a second glance. My eyes skimmed down the short letter.

Hannah-- You look so damn hot in that shirt... but I bet you're even hotter out of it. Come to the guest room at 2:00 a.m. Mike xxx

"Oh shit..." I dropped the note back on the counter. Beth was focused on the window, I glanced over in time to see Hannah run past. 

"Get the others!" I waved Beth toward the living room before reaching for Josh's shoulder. I grabbed his arm and shook him. His head lolled and a groan escaped from his lips but otherwise he remained unresponsive. Across from him Chris was slumped against the counter. An empty bottle of Jeremiah Cragg was between them. Any other time it would have been kind of cute. I shook my head and took off after Beth. The group was all standing outside as I came out, Sam was facing everyone bitching them out. 

"Where's Beth?" I questioned coming to a stop. 

"Look it was just a prank..." Mike stated. 

"That's isn't what I asked! Where did Beth and Hannah go?!" 

"Out there, essh!" Jess gestured toward the woods. I darted toward the path that ran from the house all the way to the lodge. 

"Beth?! Hannah?!" I called out. Even if they would have called out I couldn't have heard them over the howling of the snow. I turned around, squinting through the trees. Already my hands were freezing, my skin damp from the snow that was whipping through the air. 

"HANNAH!?" I cried out, taking off along the path. Every so often I stumbled over a fallen branch, or a lose rock. I didn't stop until I was at the small cabin where the cable car unloaded at. I doubled over and sucked in lung fulls of air before heading inside. It was warmer, despite the cracks in the walls. I didn't hesitate before heading out into the cold again. Slowly I made my way back to the cabin, calling for Beth and Hannah as I went. By the time I returned I was freezing and soaked to the skin. The others had dressed, woken Josh and Chris and already been outside looking for our friends. 

"Robin!" Sam greeted me at the front door. I looked up slowly and felt my skin prickle at the tension inside. 

"Did they come back?" I asked softly. Sam licked her lips and glanced over her shoulder at Josh. He looked like his world had began to cave in. 

"No... we were waiting to see if you came back with them..." She whispered pulling me away from the others. I was hardly aware as she wrapped me in a blanket. 

It wasn't until the next morning that the police showed up, and they began their search. It lasted days, and all of us found ourselves outside searching for them but time passed. And in the end the search was called off. I remember attending the funeral, one where the caskets were closed. And I couldn't help but wonder what we were burying, because it wasn't Beth or Hannah. It wasn't until later that we'd learn not everyone had let to rest their feelings either. 

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