Chapter 2: Into The Dark

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"So did everyone get up here okay?" Josh asked as the group finally came together. Ashley had taken a seat beside me, she was bundled up for the weather. I frowned as I scanned her over, her boots came almost all the way up to her knees, I could never understand how girls wore boots like them.

"More or less..." Ashley replied, her gaze shifted to Matt. He was standing with his back to us all, his body resting against one of the pillars bordering the stairs.

"Sup with him?" Josh questioned nodding over at Matt. Matt shot him a look before looking back into the distance. Josh shook his head and slipped between Ashley and I on the stairs.

" 'Scuse me ladies." Chris mock nodded in our directions as he followed Josh up the stairs and toward the door. My gaze followed them for a moment before I drifted back to the few of us here.

"Is this everyone?" I asked glancing between Ashley and Matt. Slowly I stood up and wandered around a few steps.

"Everyone except Emily and Mike." Matt spit out. My eyes traveled to him slowly.

"Chill they aren't together anymore." He shook his head and turned farther away from me. Sighing I headed up the stairs where Chris and Josh were standing by the door. As always Chris was bundled up in his big blue jacket, and a pair of blue jeans. I chuckled softly as the idea of him in anything breezy, and not uber warm.

"Nah I know what you meant. You know seriously I'm over it, and I just want us all to have a good time. Ya know? Like... we always used to." As I came closer Josh glanced at me before turning toward the door.

"Hey guys, what's going on up here?" I asked scooting closer to Chris' side so I'd have a better view of what Josh was doing. He was kneeling by the door examining the handle and lock fairly intent.

"Damnit..." He swore softly under his breath.

"What's up?" I asked stepping around Chris. Josh glanced up at me.

"It's iced."

"Seriously???" I frowned and sulked back against the wall.

"Well maybe there's another way in." Chris suggested.

"There are a million other ways in, they're just all locked." He replied turning to face us slowly.

"Well there's gotta be like a window or something we could... 'get open' or something..."

"Really Chris?" I shook my head slowly.

"Wait.. are you suggesting we break in?" Josh asked.

"Ummm....." Josh chuckled and gestured back down the stairs.

"Lead the way cochise." Josh's gaze turned toward me as Chris led the way down. "Coming pretty lady?" He winked before heading down the stairs. I let out a soft sigh before following them down the path and around the side of the house. Josh stopped walking just out of earshot of the other and turned to face Chris.

"Ashley's looking pretty hot ya know. Wanna rip that parka off her and make some snow angels." He smirked, his eyes twinkling darkly. Chris shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh yeah... definitely..." Chris nodded his head attempting to justify his statement.

"Oh knock it off." I found myself grabbing Josh's arm and pulling him after me around the house farther. He stumbled along behind me chuckling.

"Little jealous are we?" He teased as we got around back.

"No, you're being a punk." I turned to face him. Slowly I let go of his arm and stared at him, my lips pressed in a firm line. "You know nothing will happen if they're pressured like that Josh. Give it a rest?" I scolded. His smile only widened.

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