Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Ever since the sketchy night after my coffee date with Emma, I've been on edge. When I'm walking down the streets I can't help but feel like everyone knows Klaus' secret. I feel like people are just waiting for the right moment to pounce on me. It's just the anxiousness speaking, I know or so I hope.

Klaus came to my apartment early the next morning to tell me he had family business to attend to that was out of state.

"Well, can't you send someone else so that you can stay here," with me, I thought but didn't say.

"If the circumstances were different, than I would but I can't Tabitha. The stakes are just too high right now." He didn't look at me as he said this.

I tried reasoning with him to stay another day before he left because the night before had really spooked me. I instantly stopped though because I realized how childish and whiny I was starting to sound. Klaus left without so much as a wave goodbye.

I went to class later in the evening just as usual, or a little more anxious than usual, and found my seat next to Emma. But then something strange happened, when Professor Kennedy was looking through the attendance he had noticed Emma's name wasn't on the list.

"It's Emma Cox. It should be there," Emma said confidently. Professor Kennedy didn't even flinch.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave my class Ms.Cox," he sounded somewhat sympathetic as he said this.

My face burned red with embarrassment and I wasn't even the one being asked to leave. Emma's face just hardened with anger. "Can you check again, sir? The name Emma Cox is definitely supposed to be on the attendance sheet." She looked hard into his eyes and I wondered where she got the courage to say that to the professor. Nonetheless, he instantly complied.

Prof. Kennedy hardly looked at the board when he said with finality, "Emma Cox." As if he just found it on the paper.

My eyebrows furrowed with confusion. If it wasn't there before how did it just suddenly appear? I brushed it off though because nobody else in the auditorium had seemed to care much. Though I couldn't help a gut feeling telling me that Emma was not supposed to be here.

After class she asked to grab some lunch but I politely declined because of homework in my other classes, or so I told her. When Emma left me in the auditorium she seemed a bit agitated that I had declined. I didn't think anything of the strange bahvaior as I waited for a group of students talking with the professor, no doubt kissing his ass, to leave. As I waited behind them I thought of what I was going to say that wasn't going to make me seem suspicious. Surely anything I ask he'll answer truthfully because I'm such a good student. I smirked, being a star student definitely has its perks.

Professor and I were the only two left in the room when the group had finally left. Perfect, I thought as I smiled at him.

"Yes, Ms. Grein, my star freshman pupil," he exclaimed. "What could I do for you?"

"I was wondering if I could take a look at the attendance sheet for the class?" When he didn't look like he'd budge I changed my attitude. "I mean it's for a project in my other class, you see."

"Oh it is? What project is that Ms. Grein?"

The back of my neck began to sweat as I tried to think of an answer.

"For psychology. See we're trying to-"

"Here," he thrusted the board to me, "And spare me the details of anything psychological if you will. Psychology was my least favorite course back in the day so I'd like to keep it away from me as much as possible."

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