Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"Tabitha!" Klaus yelled looking at me with wide frightened eyes.

           And then just like that, the world seemed to move as if time was stuck in quick sand. I'd never seen such a look from someone like Klaus, who seemed to always shield his emotions and act hard enough to take a bullet. His emotional face was enough to leave me breathless.

           I was so focused with the look of horror on Klaus' face that I had no time to register the fact that an incoming tray held by a waiter was about to collide with my unsuspecting head.

            In a flash, and I mean that literally, I was pressed to Klaus' body. It was so fast that I lost my breath and I'm pretty sure my heart skipped it's usual beat. With his left hand, Klaus shoved the poor waiter in the other direction. I blinked before I could see what happened next.

            When I opened my eyes though, I saw that the tray once held in the waiter's hands was now rolling on the floor, much like a coin would, with the cream puffs that were once occupying it, all over the floor.

            The commotion stole everyone's attention.

            The waiter was, thankfully, unharmed but still laying on the ground trying to catch his breath. His face was twisted in pain and I almost went to him but Klaus' grip on me was too strong.

            "Oh, my. Are you all right, dear?" An older woman said kneeling on the ground in her long expensive dress.

            It wasn't until later that I realized nobody had suspected that Klaus was the soul reason that poor waiter was sprawled on the cold ground.

            When I turned to see him, I saw a very angry Klaus who was staring impeccably hard at the waiter.

            I grabbed his hand and pulled him away with me.

            "You'd think someone so clumsy wouldn't be hired," he seethed still looking at the boy.

            "Klaus, calm down. It was just an accident, don't make a scene."

            As if there weren't enough crowds already, a new one had started to form around the waiter. Out of all the mess, I seemed to find the eyes of Patro who'd looked like he had seen the whole thing. And yes, I mean the whole thing where I almost got my face smashed in before Klaus moved me out of the way.

           Patro had an evil grin planted on his flawless face that made me look away. 

            And I haven't yet figured out why that scared me so much.


Half an hour later, we were in Klaus's expensive car driving back to my apartment. The only things heard were the tires beating against the clean cement road and the harsh breathing of the air conditioning. Usually I wouldn't mind the silence but after the whole disaster back at the art showing, I needed some answers.

            "Are you going to explain any of that?" I started.

            Klaus's hands tightened around the wheel.

            "What do you mean?"

            "That mess back there," I pointed from where we were driving. Klaus' head tilted in (fake) confusion. "I just don't want to be confused anymore," my voice rose, "I feel the need to ask questions every time something happens with you!"

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