Jeff: Go To Sleep (Part 2)

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Jeff's POV

"Oh shit" I said mainly to myself. Then I saw smile try and bite her throat "NO!" I shouted "Bad dog I don't want to kill this one she's different" Smile whimpered and looked at the ground "I know what to do" I said as I picked her up and slung her over my shoulders. She was pretty heavy not to mention she had a bag on her back. I carried her into the woods so no one could see us if she tried to fight I laid her down on the ground and tried to hold back the "feeling" god she was pretty.

I waited a few hours then she started to wake up. I had to cover her mouth as she screamed when she saw me "Shhh" I said quietly "I'm not going to kill you" I looked at Smile he nodded. "Well what the fuck was that you were chasing me and Rachel" she said sounding pissed off "Were is Rachel?" she asked I could see the fear in her eyes "I don't know she ran down the street" I replied simply. "Whats your name?" I asked changing the subject.......

Shanna's POV

"What the fuck" I thought "First he wants to rip my intestines out now he wants to know my name?" I looked at him up and down "Shanna" I said narrowing my eyes "Your names Jeff isn't it?" he looked surprised "Yes" He replied "How'd you kn- I cut him off "Police talked about a guy called Jeff when they found that asshole of a teachers dead body" I said smiling. He looked a bit confused to see I was smiling, he smiled back and freakishly enough so did his dog "Oh right" He said understanding "This is my dog smile" he gestured to the smiling dog known as Smile "Shanna's a pretty name for a pretty girl" he said still smiling I blushed and then remembered he was a killer "Thank you" I said still blushing. He smiled at my red face "But don't get any ideas" I said yet again narrowing my eyes. He held up his hands "Don't worry I'm not that kind of insane psychopathic killer" His smile grew "Ok then" I said then remembered my head and got a wave of pain mixed with anger "Ouch" I said rubbing my head. "Are you OK?" Jeff asked "Fan fucking tasic" I replied glaring at him "Hey now no need to be so pissed" he said with his head cocked to the side. Yeah and he's the one that just tried to kill me then I took a good look at his face "wow he's actually quite cute" I thought to myself then strangely asked "Can I-can I feel your face" I thought he was going to say fuck off or something but instead he answered "Em sure why not" he moved closer to me..... I put my hands on his face feeling his smile and how leathery it was. "Wow" was all I could say then I found myself moving closer to his face........and his lips. "Wow there getting a bit clo- I cut him off with a kiss and found him kissing back I tugged away quickly remembering he just tried to kill me. "Eh?" he said blushing "What was that for?" to which I answered smiling "For killing that asshole of a teacher" his smile and eyes widened in surprise........

Jeff's POV

Wow I never expected that coming from a girl" I thought then said awkwardly "Do you like school?" now it was her turn to cock her head to the side "Eh I guess it's ok" she answered narrowing her eyes "So are you going to kill me or let me go?" I thought for a moment then said "No and no" I said feeling my smile grow "I want to know more about you first" I thought she was going to object but instead said "Oh OK" I was taken aback by what she said next Well my mom and dad were killed in a car accident I'm called slut, whore, emo and bitch at school, and my foster parents are fucking horrible and we live at 24 nelson street down the road there" she said pointing in the direction of her house "That's me so what about you?" she asked eyes narrowing yet again. "Oh not much I killed my family and now live with another family of killers like me and Smile" I answered pointing at smile "You can go if you want" I said stupidly. She then got up still rubbing her head then suddenly fainted due to her head injury....I quickly caught her then looked around for somewhere to lay her. I couldn't see anywhere nice so made the decision that could kill us both...........I took her to my house!!

Shanna's POV

I felt myself being carried and looked down at Jeff's white hoodie. I moaned "Oh your awake" He said sounding relieved and sighed while putting me down in a sitting position. "thought you'd be out for da- I cut him off this time by quickly getting up and punching him in the face. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" I yelled he growled in reply "What the living FUCK I just carried you and didn't do a FUCKING thing except HELP YOU!" he said turning on me with his knife in hand ready to drive it into my heart. I yelped in fright as I fell on my backside when Jeff got on top of me again. "Get off of ME!" I screamed in his face and to my surprise slapped me! "Right now you listen here" he said pointing his blood stained blade at me "I just walked around the whole FUCKING forest with you on my FUCKING back because you FUCKING fainted now I would appreciate it if you showed some FUCKING respect" he finished the blade still pointing at me. I felt my jaw drop then grumbled through gritted teeth "Fine then" I said eyes narrowing we stared at each other for a bit "Can you please get off me" I moaned trying to push him off. "Fine then" he said rubbing his cheek as he got up off my belly. "Where are we?" I asked looking around, and saw a huge mansion it towered over us, it looked like a creepy house from a horror film. Then I heard someone or something roar in anger "JEFF!" a tall 8 feet man emerged from the shadows of the house then I saw he had no face, and six long tentacles emerging from his back and his suit. He or it wore a black dress suit complete with a blood red tie and black shoes. He was paler than Jeff and slightly more creepy. "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT KEEPING HUMANS ALIVE!" he gestured at me as if I were a vile rodent. The next thing I knew was the thing sprinting to me it looked like he was there a minute ago then vanished! I then saw Jeff and the slender thing on the ground Jeff with his blade out and yelling "LEAVE HER ALONE!" he sliced up the things arm then yelled at me "RUN!"......

Jeff: Go To SleepWhere stories live. Discover now