Jeff: Go To Sleep (Part 3)

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Shanna's POV

I sprinted through the forest.......I felt my lungs burn, but I kept running full blot through the forest. Until... I tripped, I flew head first onto the ground. I heard a crack and covered my mouth as I screamed. I  stayed frozen to the spot the pain in my head was unbearable, all I could do was cradle my head until the pain passed. I heard a rustling in the trees, I looked up expecting the thing that was trying to kill me.....but it was Jeff I sighed, then I saw his face; it was clawed or slashed with something, he was limping when he walked. I didn't care about the pain that was going through me, I leapt up and rushed over to Jeff. "Are you ok?" I asked rubbing my head with my free hand. "Fan-fucking-tastic" he replied in a sarcastic tone "What's up with you?" he asked. Then I realised something on my face, something I felt every was tears.....I was crying "I hit my head on the ground" I said wiping my eyes, then something unexpected happened......I felt Jeff's arms around my shoulders and felt something I hadn't felt in years.......He was hugging me. I threw my arms around him and cried. He just stroked my back and said in a velvet like voice "Its ok I'm here for you" I hugged even tighter until I felt a pulse through my head and then........Darkness clouded my vision.

Jeff's POV

I realised she was heavier than before... Until it hit me she was yet again knocked out. "I think some people just do this to piss me off" I started to talk to myself "Don't worry bro I'm here" I lay Shanna down on the ground then held up my hand "Wanna high five?" I felt my smile get bigger "Fuck yeah" I slapped my hands together. Then picked Shanna up and started the long walk out of the forest. I heard the sound of Slendy teleporting behind me. "Jeff you better have a good explanation" I stopped turned round and said in a girly teenager voice "Oh my god ant you see I'm having a conversation" I smiled and waited for his reaction "Are you gay Jeff?" that I wasn't expecting "What no you tall pedo". He then reached out with his arms and slapped me leaving more slashes. "Jeff don't be cheeky and anyway what in gods name made you bring a mortal here?!" his anger rising in his voice "She's different" I explained. "Oh really what makes you think I'll let her set foot in my house?" he crossed his arms "Because she has nowhere to go and her foster parents are- he cut me off and shouted at the top of his lungs "DO YOU THINK I GIVE A DAM ABOUT THIS CREATURE" his tentacles spun out of control "WE ARE SUPPOSED TO KILL PEOPLE JEFF NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH THEM!" I opened my mouth to protest then I turned on heel and continued to walk out the forest "DON'T TURN YOUR BACK ON ME JEFF" he grabbed me by the throat I dropped Shanna and was lifted off the ground and made to face Slender. Then the thought entered my head "this is it I'm going to die!"

Shanna's POV

When I woke I saw the thing holding Jeff by the neck. I quickly stood up and screamed "DON'T DO IT" I started running at the thing not caring what happened next "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" and then I felt a tentacle push me back. I cried out in surprise "YOU MORTAL SHALL NOT INTERRUPT A TEACHER WHEN HE SPEAKS TO HIS STUDENT!" the thing yet again shouted at me, I saw Jeff look the creature at where it's eyes should of been and heard him say "I'll take her back if you let me go" the creature looked at me and then at Jeff. He did this motion for about 10 minutes until he said "Fine you may go" he let go of Jeff "But if I see this creature in my forest again I shall remove her intestines while she's awake got me?" Jeff looked at the thing and said through gritted teeth "Got it"

Half an hour later. Jeff and I exited  the forest and started to walk to my house. "What was that thing?" I asked still rubbing my head "Oh him" he scratched his head "That's Slender-Man but we call him Slendy" I felt my jaw drop "That things a he?" he looked at me funny "Its not nice to call someone that" I heard my front door open as we stood outside it "Where the fuck have you been you ugly whore!?" it was Mr McLean "And who the fuck is this freak show?" Jeff said something that made my heart skip a beat "I'm Shanna's boyfriend who are you?" ..................................

.............................To Be Continued

Jeff: Go To SleepWhere stories live. Discover now