Chapter 3:Maybe

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Rene's POV:

Ugh I already hate it here especially that new Kid niel I think his name was Idk.I didn't mean to be so hard on him it's just he seemed like a really big douch bag .

I mean he is Just some stuck up popstar who thinks he is all that. Well I have news for him he isn't and I'm not gonna deal with him.

I slipped on my green and white bikini from Victoria Secret that said "bite me"on the butt.I grabbed my towel,threw on my sunglasses, slipped on my sandals,and headed off to the lake.

As I headed down I noticed just how Beautiful the woods looked. The trees were very tall and you could see tons of birds flying around... Hey look an owl!! Wow never thought I'd see another one again haha.

I made it to the lake and set my towel on a stool that sat near the lake.I put my sunglasses by it took off my shoes and walked along the deck.

Before I got in the water I was admiring the lake.All of a sudden I felt a hand push me I fell into the water hard and I hit my stomach.I didn't have time to catch my breath and I came up struggling for air.

I looked up to see that blonde kid laughing his ass off.

"You jerk!! I hate you why can't you just leave me alone you stuck up dickhead!!"I yelled getting away swimming farther out so I wouldn't be as close to him.

He looked kinda hurt "Actually I'm not stuck up I'm not like those other fuckboys and popstars I'm actually a nice person so get it right you stuck up snob and get to know ME before you judge!!!! "he yelled

I was at lost for words so I swam up to him.

"Your right can you help me up please,i'm sorry."I said holding out my hand he smiled "sure" as soon as he grabbed my hand I smirked and pulled him down into the water.

As he came up I was laughing my ass off he looked at me like he was pissed.I was like OMG he's gonna hurt me. I swam away in fear as fast as I could.

Right as I was about to get on the dock I felt a hand grab me and pull ME under and I screamed. I went back under then came shooting up looking for air.

I looked around and saw him laughing."You're a jerk you douch!!"I yelled splashing him we were splashing each other and he suddenly grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him holding my arms so I couldn't move.

I tried to get out but he wouldn't let me move I stopped and looked up at him,considering he was 5'9 and I was 5'4.I never truly noticed how incredibly blue his eyes were.

I got lost in them I couldn't look away it's like I was in some sort of trance he started leaning in and so did I. I wanted to stop him and push him away tell him no and run away but I didn't.

And I did something I never thought I'd do.

I kissed him.

He kissed ME.

Our lips moved in sink and it felt like the world stopped he grabbed my butt and held me. I wrapped my legs around him and it felt amazing.

Suddenly my brain finally registered what was happening and I stopped and pushed him away. I unwrapped my legs from him.

"What are you doing? "he asked

"This is wrong I don't like you at all I hate you!!! Stay away from me don't talk to me."I said getting out of the water wrapping my towel around ME and running inside my cabin to change.

After I changed into some sweats and a sports bra I put my hair in a messy bun which was huge considering my hair went to my butt,I don't want a haircut but I need a trim.

I slid down the wall and thought about today's events.

Why did he kiss ME? More importantly why did I kiss back?

If I didn't stop it would it have gone farther? Would he have done that?

But when I walked away I turned to look at him and he just mouthed Its OK I understand...

He seems really sweet and caring but I just don't know what to think...

I might like him.



Hey guys I think this chapter was longer hope you guys enjoy I know it might seem really boring but there will be some HUGE plot twists soon I promise don't forget to VOTE COMMENT AND follow me and my friend dejaa_x11 she is amazing I love her!!! And also follow SamanthaSalvaleon5 I love her she made my day by saying how much she loved my book thanks so much please vote and comment I know I have ghost readers but please it would make my day cause it's my first book and let me know if you want me to write any other books if you do message me ideas or put them in the comments Love you all my TURTLES as Deja would say GOTTA BLAST ✌PS bikini on the side

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