Falling into the Foxhole

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Chapter 1

Jinelle sighed as she looked at the stack of books she was required to read for her research paper. Upon thinking of the many hours she was going to have to spend reading as well as the other classes she had to do homework for her head slammed itself on the table hard enough to get the people in a five foot radius from her to look at her in a glare. Jinelle moaned as she forced her head to rise so she could glare evilly at the books in front of her. After several minutes she reluctantly grabbed the book on the top of the stack and began reading it.

Jinelle left the university library feeling very bored and tired. She had spent her Saturday completely on reading for her research paper. Jinelle looked to the sky to see that it looked like it was about to rain. Jinelle's long blond hair swayed at the action.

"Jin!" Jinelle turned to see her bubbly redhead friend running toward her.

"Hey Megan" Jin said with a smile on her face

"What are you wearing?" Megan asked as she critically looked at Jin's clothes

"Clothes" Jin said, looking confused at her friend as she looked down at some loose fitting jeans and a loose fitting blue men's shirt.

"Whatever, what are you doing here on a Saturday? Wait; don't tell me, research paper?" Megan asked knowingly. Jin nodded half-heartedly. Megan smiled "Let me guess, only book references found in the school library only, right?" Jin groaned "Dr. Lambert is so cruel" Megan said before looking at the state of her friend before deciding to change the subject. "Want to grab a bite to eat"

"I don't think I should" Jin said meekly "I have a lot of homework to do"

"Jin" Megan said "I am worried about you, you haven't gone out since your ex broke up with you" Megan said, and images flooded Jin's mind of finding her now ex-boyfriend in bed with one of her best friends. Instead of getting angry, Jin became filled with anxiety because she didn't want to break up with him, she wanted to work it out. Unfortunately, this act of desperation from Jin's part only made her look even more pathetic in her boyfriend's eyes and he dumped her the next morning.

"Fine" Jin said and followed Megan to the parking lot deciding to go to TGI Friday's since it was the closest restaurant.

The two were seated in a booth near a window and Megan began flirting with the cute waiter as Jin looked outside. A flash of blue caught her eye.

"Megan" Jin said in shock.

"What" Megan bit at her since the sudden mention of her name had the waiter realize that he had other customers and left.

"Did you see that?" Jin said pointing out the window

"No" Megan said in annoyance.

"Hm" Jin said, now more focused on what was going on outside rather than inside.

"You graduate this year, right?"

"Yep, Masters Degree here I come" Jin said dejectedly. Jin was honestly not happy about the idea of more schooling to get her medical degree after all the schooling she had already done, especially since it was all for her parents. Jin didn't want to be a doctor; she wanted to be a chef. But she didn't speak up about what she wanted, because she knew if she did her parents would not pay for culinary school.

Jin never spoke up for herself, she tended to stay in the background, preferring that and the safety of the known rather than being in the foreground with the risk of the unknown and unexpected.

The waiter returned and the Jin ordered first so Megan could flirt more with the boy. Jin looked back outside to see the bushes rustle and out popped a blue fox, which decided to stare right at her.

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