The Queen, the Jack, and the Ace

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Chapter 2

"Wakey Wakey" The voice of Naruto said, cutting through Jin's dreams of performing a surgery like the scalpel she had held in her hands. Jin's eyes opened slowly "About time" Naruto said with a grin "The Queen wants to meet you"

Naruto led her upstairs down multiple hallways and within the first few minutes Jin was completely lost. Naruto's icy blue tail with a white tip swayed as he walked and Jin realized that she had not even noticed it before since was too focused trying to keep up with the man and walk in wedges with the highest heel she had ever worn. Jin noticed that the walls slowly began to have heart accents on the walls and before long the walls were white and red and Jin and Naruto were in front of large red arched double doors and Naruto opened both of them

"Hey Obaa-san" He said, his eyes crinkling from his wide fox-like grin and ducked as a table was thrown at him. He rose, the smile still on his face and walked inside the room. Jin was dragged by the fox inside completely frightened and in shock. "This is the Cheshire Cat" Naruto said "Her name is…" He said but Jin was still looking at the table that was sticking out of the wall that was thrown at Naruto in shock. "Hello?" Naruto said to the woman, his grin wiped off of his face as he cautiously stepped toward the woman whose jaw was slacked at the sight of the table, that was feet off of the floor and literally thrown with enough force that the legs of the table acted like nails and dug themselves into the wall and the wall itself was cracked around the table. Naruto waved his hand in front of her face and Jin came to her senses and blinked and her mouth closed as she realized she was still looking towards the door and turned to see a woman, who looked to be in her early thirties with blonde hair in a red and white dress, that fit her very well. She looked tipsy as her cheeks were red and her brown eyes were fuzzy and a bottle of sake was in front of her. She sat next a boy that was more of Naruto's age, who had bright red hair and on his forehead a red heart that battled his hair for the title of most vibrant sat. His aqua eyes looked bored as he scanned the woman. "What's your name?" Naruto muttered

"My name is Jinelle Bandova but most people just call me Jin" The woman said, wringing her hands together in front of her. Jin was nervous

"Jin this is the Queen of the Castle, Tsunade, the Queen of Diamonds, and her son the Jack of Hearts, Gaara. Jiraiya, the King of Clubs is not currently in at the moment." Naruto explained. Jin looked confused

"I don't mean to be rude" Jin said quietly "But your highness, how can you be the mother of this prince when you look to be my age?" Jin asked as delicately and meekly as possible. Gaara lifted an eyebrow at the question and Tsunade gave a drunken grin as she sat back her head acting as the head of a ragdoll as it wobbled back and forth as she slurred

"I like this girl" Jin smiled slowly

"She isn't your age Jin" Naruto said loudly and quickly "She is actually an old lady that pretends to be young, she is really in her seventies" Naruto said as bluntly as possible. Tsunade glared at the blond fox before lifting the desk in front of her and lifting it above her head as she stood and threw it at the boy. Jin's eyes grew wide as a squeak of terror left her body as her hands found their way to her mouth and her body went rigid. Naruto simply stepped to the side and yawned. A small smile was found on Gaara's face for a brief moment before it disappeared.

A man dressed in black and white quickly entered the room, not bothered in the least at the table sticking out of the wall and the desk found to be in a pieces on the ground with the papers that once were on it in neat piles were still fluttering down to the floor. A number 7 with the symbol of a club was on his lapel and he bowed to the Queen and Jack. "You're Highnesses; I have a report that the Hatter and his posse are currently attacking the castle." He said quickly and accurately. A flash of excitement flashed in the aqua eyes of Gaara as he stood. Tsunade leaned against the wall for support as she mumbled incoherently. Gaara sighed

"Naruto, bring Jin to the Ace of Spades, he should be in Spade Court and afterwards we will need your help with the Hatter. Ocaa-san, we will need your help too" He said and helped his mother off the wall "Lead us" he ordered the seven of clubs who nodded once and led the royals out of the room. Naruto grinned his fox-like grin at the woman still in the room.

"Well this is exciting"

"Ha" was all that Jin was able to get out as Naruto led her down more hallways, the décor on the walls turning from hearts to spades and into a court.

"ACE!" Naruto yelled, and a yawn from above him was heard. Naruto's azure eyes instantly looked up to see a man with silver hair in the tree branch above the two Cheshire animals. Jin looked up and a blush crept to her face at the handsome man that looked to be around her age. The Ace of Spades landed gracefully in front of the fox and cat and Naruto hurriedly introduced the two to each other "Ace this is Jin, Jin this is Ace, otherwise known as Kakashi" He said quickly before adding "Gaara wants you to keep her safe as the rest of us attack the Hatter and his mobsters." Naruto said and grinned once more before disappearing, Jin looked at the grin floating in the air in shock as it disappeared.

Ace was wearing a black vest and a loose sleeved white shirt that was unbuttoned a couple of buttons from the collar, the collar holding the symbol for the spade. He had skinny black jeans and black boots that went up half of his shin. He had an eye patch in the form of a spade covering his left eye and his silver locks defied gravity. The man in front of her had a strong jawbone and perfectly chiseled cheeks and lips. Jin had never been one to judge completely on looks but this man was gorgeous.

"Hi" Jin said weakly her eyes drifting to the ground to stop the staring of the man in front of her.

"So" He said as he shoved his thumbs into his jean pockets "What do you do in your world?" Jin's head popped up almost immediately

"What do you mean?" She asked, trying as hard as she could to keep the desperation out of her voice. She failed miserably

"Didn't the stupid fox tell you?" He asked slightly irritated by the fact that he was breaking the news to the girl. By her confused and frightened expression he continued. "You were chosen"


"Yes, you were chosen to come here" Kakashi said softly. Jin looked more confused and terrified than ever and he gently put his hand on her shoulder and led her to a bench to sit on "Naruto chose you"

"When can I go home then?"

"When you yourself can get yourself there" Kakashi said softly and Jin looked even more lost


"You discover yourself and your power" Kakashi said and Jin dropped her head into her hands dejectedly. Kakashi quickly changed the subject "So, you never answered my question, what do you do in your world?"

"I am a student studying to become a doctor" Jin said emotionlessly

"That sounds exciting and important

"I don't want to do it though" Jin said, not aware that the words coming out of her mouth were her deepest desires that would never come into fruition. "I want to be a chef"

"What's stopping you?" Jin stopped her train of thought and stammered at the realization of what she just said "Well?" Kakashi egged, Jin took a deep breath and continued emptying out the dismal desire of her dreams that she wanted so badly but could never be

"My parents wouldn't allow it, I would be forced to pay for culinary school by myself, and I wasted ten years of my life in pursuing a medical degree." Jin said, her eyes locked on the cobblestone in front of her.

"So? It's your dream is it not?" Kakashi asked


"Then why give up before even attempting to fight?"

"I was taught never to talk back; my parents know what is best for me"

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was talking to a miniature version of your parents" Kakashi said mockingly and Jin's electric blue eyes snapped up at him "You are an adult, you are no longer a child, you can do whatever you want" Kakashi said and loud gunshots resounded on the other side of the wall "So why don't you show me this culinary passion you have?" Kakashi said and led into the building and down a hallway to a door which he opened to reveal a kitchen. Jin entered in a daze, twirling as she gazed upon the copper pots and pans.

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